Astrology and the 2016 Presidential Election


Part of the problem with predicting this election is that Clinton’s birth time isn’t known. Some astrologers have her time of birth as 8:02 am, others have it as 8 pm.

So I erected two charts – one for election day (ABOVE), set at 9 PM ET when the polls close, and the other for the day that the sun entered Aries, the first sign of the zodiac – March 20, 2016, 12:30:08 am EDT, Washington, DC. The sun’s entry into the first minute of the first sign represents the start of the astrological new year and generally predicts events for that location.

The election day chart has the moon and Neptune (trident symbol) both in Pisces separated by about 7 degrees. This could indicate some confusion about the results. Fortunately, Mercury isn’t retrograde or about to change direction, as it was on election day in 2000.

aries ingress

In the Aries ingress chart(above)  the party in power is represented by the 10th house. It has Virgo on the cusp and Virgo is ruled by Mercury, which is at 26 degrees Pisces in the 4th house. The challenging party is represented by the 4th house, which has Pisces on the cusp. Its ruler is Jupiter, because only traditional rulers are used.

Since the ruler of the 4th house – Jupiter – is found in the 10th house, the immediate assumption is that the challenging party – the Republicans – win. However, Jupiter squares Saturn – forms a challenging 90 degree angle to it – but is said to receive Saturn because Saturn is in Sagittarius, the sign that Jupiter rules. Also, Jupiter is retrograde, moving away from the cusp of the tenth house, suggesting that the Republicans may come close to winning, but don’t quite make it.

Regardless of which Clinton natal chart we use, when we make a biwheel with the election day chart in the outer wheel, the transiting sun is conjuncting her natal Venus, an indicator of happiness, joy, an auspicious time.


Then there’s Trump’s chart on election day.


His natal Jupiter is at 17 degrees Libra, in his second house of money and personal values. Transiting Jupiter is at 12 degrees Libra. Trump is entering what’s called a Jupiter return, when Jupiter returns to the position it was when you were born. It happens about every 12 years and his becomes exact in early December. A Jupiter return is always fortunate. New opportunities land in your lap, you get married, land the dream job, travel overseas, luck is your middle name. This Jupiter return doesn’t necessarily promise that Trump wins the election, but it certainly promises that even if he loses, he’ll be able to capitalize big time on all the publicity and exposure he has gotten.

The most recent issue of Mountain Astrologer has a great article on the election by Nina Gryphon. She has studied ingress charts for presidential elections dating back to the 19th century. Her take? The democrats keep the White House in 2016 and if she’s right, then the Republicans take the White House in 2020.













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11 Responses to Astrology and the 2016 Presidential Election

  1. Nancy says:

    Why couldn’t it be Elizabeth Warren? Or Bernie Sanders? Someone that actually gave a fig about the people of the United States.

  2. c.j. says:

    Every time I see the face of Trump or hear his voice, I cringe. His attitude toward women dates to the cave man era. How…..HOW…..could so many Americans have put this humanized pig in the position of possibly becoming the leader of the free world?
    I don’t really think much more of Hillary, but her flaws against his leave no choice. Donald Trump truly is convinced that he is a GOD, or actually GOD, and that he needs no assistance from anyone. Even Adolph Hitler wasn’t as heinous as Trump, and Hitler is the person we usually compare to such persons. I shudder to think Trump may be in the Oval Office. For a very long time, I’ve felt that America could benefit from a woman president. I just don’t think it’s Hillary. Hope I’m wrong. Women, in general, have the ability to multitask. As wives and mothers and homemakers and often also career-holders, we MUST juggle many tasks simultaneously. Hillary does have decades of vast political experience in various venues. It’s just a shame she is a liar, and dishonest.

  3. Darren B says:

    Hey Trish, I saw the Oliver Stone movie ‘Snowden’ last night and loved it…if that’s the right word…which just shows you what bloggers like us are up against.
    Not that I care.
    F#ck ’em, it stop me from writing what I like to write about.
    Snowden is a hero in my book.

  4. lauren raine says:

    I still can’t even believe that such a man, so unqualified to be President, is even in the running. It makes me ashamed for America.

  5. Nelson lopez says:

    Thank you for sharing this info..

  6. Eric says:

    Most interesting. I hope astrology proves to be correct! Four years of Trump would wreck this country. Clinton isn’t perfect, but she’s preferable to the donald.

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