

SERIOUSLY?   There’s still a question about Trump as a sexual predator? Why?

How many women does it take before the tipping point is reached? With Cosby, that tipping point was around fifty. Why?

Because of fame. Because famous men can deny and deny and dismiss these allegations as partisan politics.

If you’re a famous man, you can probably get away with murder, just as Trump announced in one of his tirades. If he shot someone on a Manhattan street, it wouldn’t change anything. His supporters would still love him. The only measurable differences between Trump and Cosby is that Trump is white and didn’t drug his victims, at least not that we’ve heard yet.

Years ago in Venezuela, there was a weird perv who frequented the Catholic church our family attended. In the cafeteria after mass, he would worm his way through the crowd and find young girls placing their orders at the counter, and would thrust his hand up their skirts, just like Trump. The teens were usually too shocked and embarrassed to report this incident to anyone.

In upstate New York during my college years, when the Sixties were in full swing with free love and weed and anti-war sentiments, predators abounded. But these predators used drugs. I’ll give you a ride home. And then you wake up in a place you have no memory of entering, your clothes in shreds, your body violated. And when you go to the police and find out this man is wanted in other states for sexual assault, you’re advised not to press charges because, well, you’ll be eviscerated in court.

When I hear women defending Trump, when I see women behind him at his rallies, their faces flushed with adoration, I feel like puking. When women defend him, feel sorry for him because of “attacks by the media,” I’m nearly speechless. Then these same women argue, What has an Obama presidency done for you? This question is tossed out as though there’s an actual connection – other than the presidency – between Trump and Obama. My mind leaps hurdles. So ladies, whoever you are who have conveniently forgotten that George W. Bush is responsible for the war in Iraq (not Obama) , let me tell you what the Obama presidency has done for me and my family.

My daughter now has health insurance for $100 a month that provides great coverage. Before Obama, she had ZERO coverage because she couldn’t afford it.

The night that Obama was elected, I went to bed in tears. Eight years of the disastrous Bush presidency was HISTORY, DONE, OVER. The melting economy could now try to recover – and in Florida, the real estate market is nearly back to where it was before Bush. The economy is rebounding.

At night, during an Obama presidency, I go to sleep secure in the knowledge that an intelligent man is in charge, that the buffoon of George W Bush has been put out to pasture with Cheney, Wolfowitz, John Yoo and the rest of his corrupt gang.

I can go to sleep knowing that a man with a conscience is in the White House, a man with two daughters and an intelligent wife who could probably enter politics on her own merits and sweep the Senate.

I’m not pleased that no one in the Bush administration has been prosecuted for war crimes – i.e., TORTURE at Gitmo – or that Gitmo is still open and functional – or that drones are now used to kill people. I’m not pleased that we still have an antiquated electoral college instead of election by popular vote. But compared to Trump, these things are relatively minor.

Trump is a sexual predator, serial liar, a clueless asshole who, when he speaks to his supporters, does nothing more than hold up his stumpy fingers and talk about how he‘s going to make America great again. Yeah, the system is rigged, Trump says, and he usually cites Bernie Sanders, how he got screwed by the Clintons, and how he’s going to sue the New York Times and every other media outlet who has exposed him for what he is. On this score, Trump is probably right. The system IS rigged, through the electoral college, through the respective party rules about what can and can‘t be done, through power plays in the respective parties.

But the sad and pathetic truth is that Trump, the Republican candidate, illustrates what this party is really about and hey, it’s not about you – women, minorities, anyone other than white men. Trump is a sexual predator, narcissist, it’s all about me, but I have great respect for women, no one has more respect for women than I do.

 And the Republicans, for the most part, still support this mentally ill, sorry excuse for a candidate. And that tells you quite a bit about how the Republican party has imploded and is headed down the toilet tube to oblivion. Good riddance, dudes. Go talk about the walls you will build, the candidates you will jail, how you will restore a white male supremacy throughout the country that will govern women’s bodies, women’s choices, women’s lives. Sorry, but it ain’t gonna happen.

Now, because of a recent poll that showed that with the female vote Clinton will win,  you want to repeal the 19th amendment that gave women the right to vote.  The sad fact is that many women are living a kind of truncated existence because their husbands and partners are part of this Neanderthal mindset.

Ladies, wake up. Trump is not your knight. Trump is your worst nightmare. Hillary Clinton isn’t untarnished, but she takes responsibility for her mistakes, she’s smart, she’s informed, she knows foreign policy, and  she’s more hawkish than I would like. But when I look at the alternative, I see a tyrant, a Hitler in the making, a planet in complete meltdown.

No, thanks.



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12 Responses to Seriously?!

  1. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    This isn’t a rant about a specific politics. Human society is disgusting in general.

    I appreciate what your blog has meant to me for quite some time (more on that in a comment later this year), but you are wrong on so many levels about Trump. First of all, he is electable by Republicans and as such it is inevitable for him to be “tough” about some issues. As someone who was under Tomahawk missiles made in USA I have difficulties not to be horrified by what is going on right now in the Middle East. ISIS is a creation, fascist and ugly (that’s what humans do to other humans) but still a creation, of what American “Christians” have done to Sunni Muslims with sanctions, bombing, and torture. American “liberals” have turned themselves into humanoid beings who feel nothing about anyone but pretend to be “worried”. Obama’s presidency was the last nail (the really last one was Bernie Sanders’ attempt to sell the word “socialism” to the audience) in the coffin of anything resembling pacifism on the “liberal” side. Spineless people before and after Hitler were different just because they felt nothing about anything. Hitler was at least angry. It’s American “liberals” (not Trump) that are pushing our species (read some Paul Craig Roberts) into nuclear wars against Russia (sanctions), North Korea (sanctions), and China, just as the nuclear war was pushed as an agenda against Japan (sanctions, Because they feel nothing about anything, including their own future (read some Zbigniew Brzezinski and his take on “liberalism”:

    “We came, we saw, he died.” – Hillary Clinton

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Trump is the man who wants to ban all muslims from entering the U.S.
      Saying he has to be “tough” on some issues to grab the republican vote is hardly an excuse for the things he says, the way he acts, and for his whining whenever he’s criticized by anyone.
      No question the war machine in the U.S. is alive and well- because it’s profitable. War is always profitable to some faction. But to say americans don’t feel anything is just patently absurd. Most of the people I know – liberals – are against war. A republican took us into iraq and afghanistan – bush. Bush got rid of sadam hussein – not obama. My feeling is that clinton lost against obama because of her iraq vote when she was a senator.

      What have republicans ever done for any ordinary american? Nearly every worthwhile social program that exists now does so because of a democrat, not a republican.

      I don’t understand your comment about Sanders being the last name in the coffin of pacifism.

  2. c.j. says:

    Oddly, my sleeping dream last nite had elements of Karen’s comments in it although
    I don’t recall the exact context except a couple of old adages: DIVIDE AND CONQUER, and A HOUSE DIVIDED WILL FALL. I don’t know why these two phrases came into my dream, and I assumed it was intended for my family and not universally. But we aren’t having family issues, and when I read Karen’s comments, they resonated with those two phrases. Although my chosen spiritual path for five decades has been and continues to be pagan, as most of you know, I was born and raised in the Southern Baptist home with tons of Bible study. My alpha-numeric research also involved(s) serious Biblical references, and before going to sleep last night I watched a new channel on TV….a really good program discussing the Book of Revelations and its prophesies, in detail. It’s rather amazing how the current events in the world are following those passages, including the wars and “division of people among themselves”, etc. Pretty compelling .One of the conspiracy theories that I certainly embrace only appears on the conspiracy sites, and it is that the POTUS is chosen long before the actual election occurs, and he or she is “groomed” for the position. In my opinion, Obama is a prime example of that…..because he truly appeared out of nowhere, quite literally in terms of political arenas and public awareness, and yet he is in the Oval Office. My other conviction, as silly as it may sound, is that the entire election processes are a joke perpetrated by the Dark Trickster Shadow Government, and voting is a sham…..a make-believe system contrived to make us think we are choosing out political representatives, and we are NOT. Just my own sad thoughts on the matter…..

  3. Karen Algrim says:

    I pity all of the people who still believe they even have a real choice in this election. It’s smoke and mirrors people. You have no choice. Both candidates are a lousy choice. The only real thing that I see is that you either get to choose a first time woman president who is a politician… or a guy who for the first time in history isn’t a politician but rather a private citizen. I’d love to see every ‘politician’ go away…they are the ruin of this country. I am neither a supporter of Trump or Clinton. Both are not worthy of a vote. Take a look at Spain who does not have a working government at this time and they are doing well without one. It’s sad that we believe we couldn’t handle things amongst ourselves, and give up our rights to people who have no idea what’s really good for us outside of the corporate political system. While still knowing we haven’t any real choice I’d have to say I’d like to see someone other than a politician who hasn’t sucked every D*#k to get to where they are just to make decisions based on who they sucked the hardest for money for. It’s a lousy system. We should be coming together with each other to change the system not the president who is just a pretend figure head. Everyone should step away from their brainwashing tv machines and skewed media, and really take a good look at what is happening to the human brain and what the brain has been turned into via tv, gmo’s (of which hillary is a strong component), geoengineering, taxation into poverty, and lastly the pharma industry that most Americans are addicted to.

    Everyone should go to Youtube and watch some old George Carlin stand up if you want a giggle at the real truths. The more the American people cheer on these idiot candidates the further we sink into Idiocracy! Good film to watch btw….once a film, now a documentary….lol The false flag 911 should have been the awakening for everyone ( Oh boy, I’ve just presented myself as a conspiracy theorist lol… a label the media has put on anyone that questions. Labels divide us and that’s why there are so many labels today)…but unfortunately there are still people who choose to remain unawakened. Obama and hillary want to walk us into a New World Order…the blind leading the blind. There will never be a president that isn’t a puppet. Not until the corporate system of government that exists today is eliminated.

    While I have always enjoyed reading your blog Trish and Rob…I don’t enjoy the the political posts….although it does give a chance to voice our opinions and that’s a good thing…but like so many other rants I see online…they go nowhere but divide people with continued fight. Personally I’m tired of all the fighting the US does both in other countries and the climate of fight it has created amongst the people that live within these borders. The media creates fear, and fight….and the illusion of choice. Eyes wide shut. If you feel strongly about your choice then go quietly vote on ‘election day’ and leave the fight out of it. We are divided enough in this country.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Hi karen, good to see you! The country is already divided. I doubt that our political posts make things worse. I agree that neither candidate is any good. I agree we would be better off without politicians who have so much power. But I don’t think that’s likely to happen here for a long time, if ever. The country, in many ways, is broken and it seems to me that the only way it’s going to be fixed is through a collective rise in consciousness.

  4. c.j. says:

    My husband of more than five decades is a committed Trump supporter. We don’t argue about it because there would be no point. He and most of the family and people we know in GA are Trump fans. I just can’t wrap my mind around it, and am wondering if these people are deaf and wearing blinders. And, it gives rise within me regarding the character of Trump’s gung-ho followers. I leave our LR and go shut myself in my sitting room to read whenever husband turns the TV to FOX and Affiliates. Untenable for me.

  5. c.j. says:

    I disagree with only one remark in your astute and spot-on observations , and that is your remark that Trump is “mentally ill”. I couldn’t disagree more. If he were mentally ill, he would have a valid excuse for his demonic behaviors and Hitleresque personality with its litany of horrors. I simply can’t afford him that excuse because it unintentionally casts a shadow on the poor folks who ARE mentally ill and/or insane. (And I DO know you did not by any means intend to do that!!!) Of interest, his grandparents were German, not Swedish as he claims. It goes without saying that I’ve run an intensive study of his frequencies, and he is a “double-7”. This means that both his Soul frequency and his Expression frequency resonate to the octave 7. In its positive pole, 7 is a grand frequency with many wonderful attributes. In its negative pole, 7 is the personification of pure, undiluted EVIL. This man isn’t mentally ill, just in my own opinion. Instead, he is a putrid reservoir of hatred, racial bias, 100% self-absorbed egomania who lives in a glorified faux world where he is the most brilliant brain who has ever graced our planet and who, alone, has the answers to everything and therefore needs no assistance, by his own admission. I align DJT with the likes of Ted Bundy and Jeffery Dahmer….whose atrocities were committed in perfect sanity.
    Just EVIL. Black EVIL. To me, Donald John Trump is exactly that: Black EVIL. The primary question for mental illness is, “Does the person know the difference between good and bad? Between right and wrong?” Trump most certainly knows the difference, and he is playing to the darkest aspects of humanity, and I believe he damn well KNOWS it! (Sorry for the rant! He is such a poor excuse of a human being that he brings out the ugly in me!) His nastiness, his use of crude words about women, make my skin crawl and I want to go stand under a cleansing hot shower to rid myself of his energy. AAAaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhhh.

  6. Great rant! this should be posted in The New York Times and every where.

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