The Electoral College

This pretty much nails the bottom line:

A petition to the electoral college to elect Clinton as the winner. After all, she has the popular vote, just as Gore did in 2000. More than 4 million people have signed.



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3 Responses to The Electoral College

  1. Rob and Trish says:

    The Trumpers never expected their guy to actually win the thing, and that’s their problem now. They only wanted to whoop and yell, boo at the H-word, wear profane T-shirts, maybe grab a crotch or two, jump in the RV with a couple six-packs and go out and shoot some spotted owls. It was pleasure enough for them just to know that they were driving us wild with dismay — by “us,” I mean librarians, children’s authors, yoga practitioners, Unitarians, birdwatchers, people who make their own pasta, opera goers, the grammar police, people who keep books on their shelves, that bunch. The Trumpers exulted in knowing we were tearing our hair out. They had our number, like a bratty kid who knows exactly how to make you grit your teeth and froth at the mouth. Alas for the Trump voters, the disasters he will bring on this country will fall more heavily on them than anyone else. The uneducated white males who elected him are the vulnerable ones and they will not like what happens next. – Garrison Keillor

  2. Rob and Trish says:

    Hillary is now 1.7% ahead in popular vote with 4 million more to be counted in heavily Democratic California and New York. She leads by 1.8 million votes. Her percentage of lead is more than Kennedy beat Nixon, more than Nixon beat Humphrey, and more than Gore topped Bush in his failed attempt. It’s time to dump the Electoral College. Let the people choose.

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