A Handy App for this New Reality


If you’re experiencing PTSD form this election,  you may want to get a handy app for your devices called Boycott Trump.

 It lists 250 businesses with connections to Trump and some of them surprised me. This is just a partial list and doesn’t include sponsors of Celebrity Apprentice. No more Home Depot for us. Or Godfather’s Pizza. No more of the Coors family beers, either, and forget the stores at the mall. Be sure to check out the link at the end of this for additional companies/CEOs who endorsed Trump.

Amazon: sells Trump’s line of menswear and Ivanka Trump’s clothing, shoes, and accessories

Bed, Bath & Beyond: sells Ivanka Trump’s diaper bags

Bank of America Center: 30% of the building is owned by Trump

Bloomingdale’s: Sells Ivanka’s clothing, shoes, and accessories

Blue Moon beer, Coors Light, Coors, Crispin Hard Cider, Miller Lite: Chairman Pete Coors endorsed Trump

Century 21: sells Ivanka’s clothing and accessories

Forbes: Publishing executive and editor-in-chief Steve Forbes endorsed Trump

Godfather’s Pizza – former CEO and part-owner Herman Cain endorsed Trump

Gucci: flagship store in Trump Tower

Hobby Lobby: CEO David Green endorsed Trump

Home Depot: co-founders Bernard Marcus and Kenneth Langone endorsed Trump

Jenny Craig: founder Jenny Craig endorsed Trump

Johnson & Johnson: heir to company Woody Johnson endorsed and helped raise money for Trump

Macy’s, Marshall’s, Lord & Taylor, Nordstrom: sell Ivanka’s clothing, shoes, and accessories

NASCAR: CEO and chairman Brian France endorsed Trump

New York Jets: owner Woody Johnson endorsed Trump and helped raise money for him

PayPal: co-founder Peter Thiel endorsed Trump

Starbucks: stores in Trump Tower

TD Ameritrade: found Joe Ricketts endorsed Trump

Wayfair: sells products form the Trump Home line

Yuengling Brewery: Owner Richard Yuenling Jr endorsed Trump and invited Trump family to speak at brewery

Here are some additional companies to avoid whose owners/CEOs endorsed Trump.



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4 Responses to A Handy App for this New Reality

  1. c.j. says:

    Am very ill so must make this brief. Step back and take as objective look. By doing these things you mention you are doing, you are not hurting Trump in the least. What you ARE doing is GIVING HIM POWER OVER YOU. Just think about it. Changing various essential aspects of your life in protest to him quite literally gives him the POWER in your choices and decisions. Do we want to do that? I don’t.

  2. c.j. says:

    There comes a time when rationalism transforms into fanaticism.

  3. lauren raine says:

    Thanks for posting this and ju.st want to thank you for the posts you’ve made about this disastrous, tragic situation. We need to stay awake. Put this post on Facebook, and I’m off to cancel my Home Depot card, and dump Paypal.

  4. lauren raine says:

    Jeez, this is depressing to see how much he has his hands in. support small business. And thanks for info on Home Depot, I’m getting rid of my credit card now.

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