New Radio Show on Synchronicity!



Bernard Beitman, a visiting professor of psychiatry at University of Virginia and author of Connecting with Coincidence, now has a new radio show. It’s the only show in the world that’s on coincidence and synchronicity. I think Jung would be proud! Here’s the link to his first show.

We’ve written about Bernard and his book in a number of posts. He’s the first psychiatrist since Carl Jung to undertake a serious study of coincidence/synchronicity.

Rob and I will be guests on the show on December 20, from 10-11 a.m. and will have a chance to talk about our book on precognition, Sensing the Future, which will be published on January 3, 2017. It’s available for pre-order.


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4 Responses to New Radio Show on Synchronicity!

  1. c.j. says:

    Love this post! As most of the Synchro blog “gang” is aware, I am challenged by Parkinson’s, now straddling the threshold between Stage 3 and Stage 4. Also, I am a “semi-amateur” Egyptologist, having immersed myself in extensive studies of Ancient Egypt, the Pyramids, and the Sphinx, since I was 18. A couple of years ago, my family went to visit relatives in N. GA, and we stopped at the Georgia Guide Stones in Elberton. They’ve been controversial since being constructed, regarding their purpose. The evangelicals consider them evil; the enlightened sense their mysterious yet positive “purpose” and power. Anyway, yes indeed, I agree with Lauren about ‘sacred places’. At the Guide Stones (which resemble Stone Henge), I felt compelled to stand full-body against the Stone which has the Message engraved in Egyptian hieroglyphics. I did that. From the crown of my head to the tips of my toes, I leaned against the Egyptian Stone, more or less hugging it as much as was possible, for several minutes, having no clue what to expect, so it wasn’t a matter of receiving some intent I had in mind. My mind was pretty much blank and open, thinking I would be given some type of ‘message’. Well, no message. Instead, I received a phenomenal HEALING. From the moment I stepped away from the Stone, and for the following seven days of our trip, I had NO Parkinson’s symptoms. None. Nada. Talk about being astonished and grateful!! Of course I wished the healing had been permanent, but nevertheless, was and am eternally thankful for the total (albeit temporary) Healing somehow transferred to me through the energy of that Guide Stone! I have the true conviction that there are many, many such sacred places on our planet! Wouldn’t it be just wonderful if we knew exactly where they are! I DO know there is another one near Dahlonoga, Ga. Dahlonaga is a small town that is sitting on an underground gigantic Crystal, whichh as numerous Crystal Caves in the area. All kinds of bump-in-the-night events occur there, including healings. Another “sacred space”……

  2. lauren raine says:

    Congratulations on your new book! You are such a prolific, and wide reaching team – wishing you the very best success!

    Have you ever written about how certain places seem to enhance synchronistic experiences? I personally think that power places (sacred places) raise people’s energy, and thus they have more psychic and synchronistic experience. Such was true when I went to Glastonbury, there was one synchro after another, and since then I’ve heard others say the same thing.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Thanks, Lauren! We’ve touched on that idea in one of our books, talking specifically about Markawasi, Peru. I imagine Glastonbury would definitely be one such place!

  3. DJan says:

    Wonderful! I will be sure to check it out. I have his book but I haven’t actually gotten very far in it yet. This will give me the impetus to pick it up again. Thanks for the information. 🙂

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