Astrologer Alex Miller & the 2016 Election


One of the most interesting and savvy astrologers I have run across in recent years is Alex Miller, who specializes in asteroids. I first became aware of him when I read a piece he wrote for The Mountain Astrologer that was unlike anything I’d ever read about any facet of astrology.

I got in touch with Alex, told Whitley Strieber about him, and Alex appeared on Strieber’s radio show, Dreamland in 2014. For some years now, he has been posting regularly on Day Keeper Journal, an astrology website with some fascinating articles.

This evening, I found Alex’s final piece for the site, about the results of the 2016 election. Since most astrologers, including Alex, were wrong in their predictions about who would win, Alex’s article is a fascinating look into where he thinks astrologers went wrong. It’s also a sobering reflection of where we stand as a society, a country, and a global community now that Trump is president-elect. Take a look.

I’m sorry to see him leave Day Keeper. His knowledge is unique and in a Trump presidency, we need this insights.

Alex also has a terrific ebook available on Kindle, featured at the top of this post.



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6 Responses to Astrologer Alex Miller & the 2016 Election

  1. Darren B says:

    Hey Trish, have you read about internet group who claims they got Trump elected by using “meme magick” and ‘chaos magick” through a cartoon frog named Pepe/Kek?
    You can see their explanation by clicking on this link –
    It’s quite bizarre, but not totally unbelievable…apart from the Egyptian frog god bit.
    Makes for a good campfire story, if nothing else.

  2. Darren B says:

    Funny, I noticed today when I was putting together my latest post –
    that a music clip by the young Brisbane cellist named Rob Knaggs had the soundtrack recorded by Alex Miller –
    There is also another clip titled ‘Rob’s Whales’, but Alex Miller wasn’t involved in that one.

  3. Laurence Zankowski says:


    I think first is that this was needed, the ritual bloodletting, the sacrifice of the King. The old guard of the clinton era was entrenched in old guard ideology. That being said, new energy is being brought forth. You and I are old enough to remember the rough and tumble politics of the late 60s early 70s. We got stagnant, took a bit too much for granted.

    Well, we got past wars, civil rights, more wars, aids ( sort of ) and much more.

    That being said, i think the approach to astrology and predicting such a high profile change would be to ask this question instead.

    Who will be the next president to be inaugurated in January 2XXX? That way you push beyond the popular vote and electoral vote to the actual transfer of presidential authority / power.

    Just my two cents, i have bigger worries right now with the DEA and reclassification of CBD oil. Rosenberg is a vindictive man. Oh well

    As always:
    Be well


  4. Trish says:

    As someone pointed out, Clinton actually did win the popular vote – by nearly 3 million votes – so perhaps the astrologers weren’t so off target, after all.

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