Updated Signs

This post is an update to The Sign, that comes from Nevine. We talked about it- was it really a synchronicity since both people knew what the other liked in books? We decided it was a good example of the kind of telepathy involved in close relationships.
Well, let me tell you about my little experience, last weekend. While you were at Barnes and Noble, I was at Borders. I’d just finished with an appointment at my hair salon and was at Borders, really, to pick up my husband, who was waiting for me there. Well, I didn’t find him, and I figured he’d walked to his favorite cigar shop around the corner. So, I wanted to see what was new at Borders, and I saw that “The Lost Symbol” was available, as was Ted Kennedy’s “True Compass”. I knew my husband had talked about Kennedy’s book, so I picked it up for him, and “The Lost Symbol” for myself. Then, I walked to the cigar shop to find my husband. There he was, with his cigar in his hand, smiling at me as I walked in the door. And he said to me, “Check out what I got at Borders. I got ‘The Lost Symbol’ for you, and ‘True Compass’ for me.”
A psychic exchange.
When we first posted IT’S A SIGN, I mentioned the phrase AS ABOVE, SO BELOW to explain the odd sequence of reading passages from two books that seemed to go together, one from the POV of a helicopter pilot chasing a car, and one from the driver of a car being chased by a helicopter. And both in desert settings. I didn’t buy either book, but Trish bought THE LOST SYMBOL. So I was reading Dan Brown’s novel on a recent trip, and oddly enough ne of the themes repeated 2 or 3 times in the first 100 pages was: AS ABOVE, SO BELOW.

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23 Responses to Updated Signs

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    All these numbers and double digits are intriguing. I need a lifetiume, I think, just to study number synchros!

  2. Sansego says:

    Well, as for the Kennedys, they consider 11/22/1963 to be the worst day in the family…the day President Kennedy was shot. So maybe the double numbers is a nod to that event?

    George Lucas has released the Star Wars films around May 22nd. I think his birthday is May 14th. But if I ever met him, I'd ask if he believes there's something spiritual about the number 22.

    As for the movie adaptations for Brown's novels…I doubt he has any say in when it gets released. That's more to do with director Ron Howard and Producer Brian Grazer. May is usually a great month to release a big summer movie to kick off the season.

  3. Simon with the synchros 56 says:

    Yeah, maybe, but then again we are lied to a bit, and there is a lot of sublimetle (know I spelt that one wrong) suggestion out there.

  4. "C" says:

    @ Simon "it's called Monday for planet Mars". Monday is Moon-day (Sunday=Sun-day, Saturday=Saturns-day)

    Unless your talking about something else.

  5. Simon says:

    The notion of etymology gets me a little bit, I've herad tell that's it's called Monday for planet Mars, guess it's the beginning of the week and it's time to go to work or maybe they might say war, (competive business), but similiarly what I be thinking is that when does the monkey go for the money, type thing. Thinking 2 days into the week well, then next w"h"en will it end, then almost Thru. so and so on. but Rob we've got to admit that is pretty crazy what happens when you turn those feet into inches with the tall one. pretty darn obvious, just don't have the nerve to spell
    IT OUT.

  6. simon from, well you know says:

    Yeah, there "may" be something to that Mason stuff. My hometown (beatiful corner of Jer.) HS drill team, 35 years ago used to do a routine to that ole diana warwick song, confused. Never read "DAVC", but did read A&D, lessoned learned, everthing can be turned around, absolutely love those Ambigrams. Am now reading the one Rob (think he's following me) just picked, slow reader through ch.42 (nows there a great number 7×6, HHG to the G), but should be concertrating more on "Marianne Williamson", new discovery. (anybody got a ph.#, dig beatiful f. jewish intellect).
    The guys (myslef) just got something about 5/19. But for coincidence, so they tell me, wonder where the niece was, since this is the nephew typing, when the game ended regulation 3x7x3 both sides.

  7. Toumai says:

    … other points of interest: the word/title "Mason" is phonetically identical to saying "May-son"… or "Mai-son"… in fact, the French word for house is "maison".
    The Etymology of letter "I" shows that it's original name as "EKAN". The Letter "Y" is a combination of two letters… as 'Y' sounds out– a "U" and "I". In fact, the letter "Y" itself is a symbol/picture of a "U" (or V)sitting on top of an "I".

    Letters "U" and "V" are dialectal variations of "F" (originally "Ph" and "Bh"). But, the letter 'H' supplanted an earlier "C" sound. So, the letter "Y" in etymological origin was more like "Bhekan"… or varient "Phagan".

    Sound familiar… it should, because this is the root to our modern day "Pagan". NOW we have a real life LOST SYMBOL and meaning coming to light.

    It should also be noted that our word "pact" or peace, comes from the same root, as does "Pagan" and "pagoda". Here's what online etymology says https://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=pagoda

    1582, from Port. pagode (1516), from a corruption of Pers. butkada, from but "idol" + kada "dwelling." Or perhaps from or infl. by Tamil pagavadi "house belonging to a deity," from Skt. bhagavati "goddess," fem. of bhagavat "blessed, adorable," from *bhagah "good fortune," from PIE base *bhag- "to share out, apportion" (cf. Gk. phagein "to eat;" see -phagous).

    Others words stem from this… taking portions of the above root– like, bag, pack, box… and can. Also, the names May, Magan and Margaret. Seriously, "May" is in origin "Ma-pagan"or… "my Pagan".

    So, scoop on the Month of May and the Mason's–Pagan fertility cult worshippers gone underground… keeping the sacred feminine alive (and an ancient Neolithic house)enough for our future benefit.

  8. Toumai says:

    Maybe the month of May thing has to do with what the month originally represented. Here's a little clue: why do we even say "I may" or "I might"

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Musing – wow, I missed that, thanks for pointing it out. Hazel probably does know her. The camp isn't that large.
    Sansego, curious about those double digits for the two Kennedys.
    Intuitive – I think we share intuitive connections to most people we care about. Those psychic exchanges.
    Simon – George Lucas usually brings out his movies in May, close to his birthday. Maybe that's why for Brown?

  10. musingegret says:

    I googled the sentence from Elizabeth Owens' book that "C" referenced above. I was pleasurably surprised (got that frisson of synchronicity) to read in her intro that she lives in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp. I had never heard of the place until y'alls post of 9/18/09 and then google/researched it quite extensively then. Perhaps Owens knows your friend Hazel Burly?? Degrees of Sync?!

  11. Sansego says:

    I think Ted Kennedy was 77 when he passed away and his sister Eunice was 88 when she passed away a month before him. It was weird.

  12. "C" says:

    Sorry above I meant to say plane not plain, sorry. "Tom Hanks PLANE is crashing they say that it is FedEx flight 88"

  13. "C" says:

    @ Trish and Rob MacGregor Yeah they have their was of coming to me. I have a long story full of pictures to prove how this all started. Hopefully I will be able to share it the way I want to eventually. I was giving out many numbers but recently I got a sign that made me think that there should only be 0-99 numbers used in "my system". I am still working on it and trying to figure it all out to something definitively I can share.

    Now don't agree with everything i have read in the book (just skimming a bit) but there are some good stuff that makes total sense. I was reading about a type she called "the native" and some reason (I have felt him come trough on a few syncs but just his name) Sitting Bull and the number 88 came to mind, just happens like that, plus the number was free (I will look more into his life but i don't want to open to many doors till I get all this stuff that I have had happen the past month down on my blog). Just then I was watching "Cast Away" with my wife (she never seen it and her maiden name was Wilson , so I was telling her about his (Tom Hanks) ball in the movie (Wilson), I blogged about this on my private blog a bit). Anyways the Sitting Bull #88, I told her about about 10 mins before we watched it. Then when Tom Hanks plain is crashing they say that it is FedEx flight 88 when they are calling for help, so I don't need much more then that most times but, I have so much going on so fast I can't concentrate yet on one thing to long, hopefully i will live a long life so I can look at all these things individually. For now i blog and share and hope other people maybe can gain something from it.

    Peace TQO

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    love this one, too – my daughters regularly buy the exact same card for each other – they buy the same identical pieces of clothing – the same books – happens all the time – that kind of familial [and other] familiarity thing! great post – interesting comment from "C" about numbers – hmmmm…. – can't wait to get copy of symbol –

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    So you're saying certain numbers conjure spirits, C? I like the synchro of meeting your wife under an Orwell sign that also said Bonus Points!

  16. "C" says:

    Hope you got a receipt with one of those. the Borders near me is more diverse but i met my wife at a Barnes and Noble years ago at the cafe right directly under a picture of George Orwell, BONUS POINTS.

    Anyways I was thinking of you guys yesterday cause i went into a used bookshop cause i got a free book coupon from them at a book fail last week. (I am gonna post a blog about this with pics later tonight) I picked up this book "How to Communicate with Spirits" it was highlighted by the previous owner in orange, anyone following my private blog will know orange is a color I have been talking about for about a month now.

    Here is the funny part, all the stuff in orange was "the best stuff" one line highlighted in orange says "It is important to pay attention to the synchronicity of events in our lives." She goes on to share a few that closely remind me of the type you guys blog about here. The book is on Google books if you just copy that line I quoted above and read the two pages after that you can read her two interesting sync stories.

    In closing this book was a great find for me cause recently I have been getting signs from a lot of "spirits", I will try to slowly work this into my blog (logically). I have been giving simple numbers that coincide with famous and relatives that have come through VERY STRONG. I have shared a select few of these so far with a few blogger and most have had things "happen" afterward with them. Ted Kennedy was one who came through on a drive to the country about two weekends ago (the number 55 popped in my head along with his name, no reason for the 55), I saw so many signs since then every time I have thought about Ted where then the number 55 pops up almost on command. Thought I would share that one if you are interested in that sort of thing. Cause at this point I feel like Woopie from 'Ghost' and I was reading in the book that you can "share" these spirit guides so if you want to see if Ted is there test my 55 and you will see.

    Peace and sorry for such a long comment & what possible may possibly be viewed as pure BS gibberish! But you guys blog is one of the main blogs I get most enjoyment thing, good vibes from here. "C"

  17. simon from caly says:

    To Rob and Trish, yeah I hang out in a Borders also, so many free reads, meet Morten and Lise from Norway last night, and yes there is a cigar shop about 50 yards away. Got a story out there about those tragic dates of his brothers, then the youngest well, moved on right in pattern. So much more such as with a NCAA champiionship game that ended regulation in a tie a couple of years ago. etc.etc.etc. confused, stressed, been so long since I've been in the mountains. Question, wonder why D. Brown always brings his movies out in May(DVC on the 19th)? Big game tonite and on the morrow, and maybe Tuesday. Heh that's 3 what a coincidence.

  18. Intuitive Girl says:

    I do believe we share a psychic connection with those we are close to.
    I'm looking forward to reading The Lost Symbol too.

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I can't wait to read it. Rob's more than 200 pages into it. With this book, it seems that Brown has tapped into a huge market of people like us!

  20. Nevine says:

    Trish and Rob, I'm also flipping through The Lost Symbol (can't keep my paws off of it, even as I'm busy reading other stuff) and the noetic science information in there is really quite something. Maybe science and spirit will eventually come to some kind of peace. And thanks, guys! Rereading that put a smile on my face because it took me back to that day. I believe my wonderful husband and I do have a psychic relationship.

  21. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Toumai, will check it out. Rob's reading lost symbol now. Says the noetic sciences stuff is intriguing.

  22. Toumai says:

    Great story! And since you mention Dan Brown and signs, he mentions the Washington Obelisk (on page 7)and that it's 555 feet tall. And then on page 333 of his book, he talks about the #33 and its many mystic significance.

    Hello, Hello-oo… haven't we shared many recurring incidences of double/tripple/quad of identical numbers that we've been seeing everywhere– on the clock, on license plated, on signs…

    So, I did a little research on the Washinton obelisk and found MORE AND BETTER!!

    I've posted on my blog https://toumaiocean.blogspot.com/2009/10/on-page-7-of-dan-browns-new-book-lost.html

  23. staceyjwarner says:

    Synchronicity or not…I love this! It's a good story!

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