Netflix started out as an alternative to Blockbuster – mailing CDs to your home for a nominal price – and has completely changed the landscape of TV programming with their original shows. Orange is the New Black. House of Cards. AO.

AO is a fascinating show about multiple dimensional existence as seen through Near-Death Experiences. I also think it’s based on Carlos Castaneda’s later books, where Don Juan taught Castaneda five pivotal movements that shift energy and open portals to other dimensions.

The woman who is the protagonist, Brit Marling, starred in one of my favorite movies, Another Earth, and was the co-creator and writer for the show. It’s difficult to describe this show because it is multidimensional, shamanic, surreal in many ways.

But here’s the premise: Prairie (Marling) was a Russian kid adopted by American parents, went blind, and disappeared while she was in high school. She ended up in a basement for seven years, the victim of a psychopath physician who is studying NDEs. And then she escaped.

I can’t describe the show beyond this. It’s tricky, slick,  well-acted, and deals with ideas that encompass quantum physics, entanglement theory, synchronicity, the Multiple Worlds theory (the movie Sliding Doors), and shamanic practices. Give it a try.


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12 Responses to OA

  1. Laurence L. Zankowski says:

    Those who follow:

    Twin Peaks, the Log Lady is gone, but the owls are not what they seem…

    Nor is the dancing dwarf anywhere to be found, oh Sheriff Truman, where for art thou?

    The master is back, look for the youtube video misleadingly titled Series three trailer. Absolutely off the cuff, adlib acting by three main characters. I will not give it away

    All is quiet on news years day ( U2 )


  2. c.j. says:

    A little early, and off-topic, but want to wish everyone a wonderful New Year!

    2016 has been a frequency 9 year, which is the frequency of “endings”. And in retrospect, it has certainly been that in many, many areas. But we are moving into a frequency 1 year, which means the birthing of new and often terrific shifts and changes in as many or even more areas. So it will be a year to look forward and embrace the hope that arrives with the frequency 1 !!!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR #1 TO ALL AROUND THE WORLD!

  3. Darren B says:

    It’s funny you mentioned this show Trish as I listen to a podcast series called ‘Me and Paranormal You’ by a fascinating LA based comedian named Ryan Singer –
    He constantly raves on about this show and the actress Brit Marling, as he does in his latest podcast that I was listening to a few hours ago.
    I got about just over half way through the first episode of this show and gave up, as I thought it was just about some wacko cult.
    Now that you have filled me in a bit…which Ryan never did, I might give it another chance, but I have just cancelled my Netflix subscription and moved over to Stan as they have the new ‘Twin Peaks’ when it airs and I don’t want to miss it.
    So I’m going to have to binge watch the OA before my Netflix cuts out.
    Otherwise I’ll have to renew the subscription to Netflix.

  4. DJan says:

    Me, too! I missed hearing about it but it’s next on my list of shows to watch. Thank you! 🙂

  5. Nushka says:

    I missed hearing about this . Sounds like a Not To Be Missed show for me. Thanks for spreading the news.

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