Some Synchro Guidance for the New Year


Our daughter Megan was home for Christmas and we were just starting a game of Scrabble. While I was waiting for Megan to make the first move, I looked at my cell phone where I’d earlier been playing a similar game, Word with Friends. It was my move and I made the word: FOUNT. Just then, Megan made her move. Her word: FOUNTS.

A fount is defined as a source of a desirable quality or commodity. Amazingly, we’d both come up with the same word. We were a fount of synchronicity! A good sign for the new year.

Here’s a list of scenarios in which synchronicities can happen.  During the coming weeks and months of 2017, see how many of these scenarios play out in your life. The list was adapted from comments in a review of Bernard Beitman’s book, Connecting with Coincidence.

  1. You get a message or an email from someone you were just thinking about.
  2. An ad or a product in a store solves a problem you have, even though you weren’t looking for it.
  3. You watch a movie or TV series that has a story that mirrors your own current issues.
  4. Strangers in public talk about things you have been reflecting on your life.
  5. You encounter someone who is able to assist you related to a recent challenge.
  6. You receive an inspiring message that comes to you at the appropriate time, possibly positive words that help you achieve your goal or resolve a problem.
  7. Incredible timing. One thing after another comes your way with perfect timing. It seems that everything is perfectly aligned.
  8. Signs appear in your environment that provide you a needed message.



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5 Responses to Some Synchro Guidance for the New Year

  1. Sometimes we need to look at such a list to fully appreciate what has happened to us over the previous several months.

  2. DJan says:

    Thank you! I will keep my ears and eyes open. 🙂

  3. Darren B says:

    Funny, I just read Joe Hill’s (Stephen King’s son) novel ‘NOS4A2’ and in the story there is a girl who has a bag full of Scrabble tiles which give her psychic messages when she arranges the letters the bag gives her in the right way.
    Did you listen to that podcast link I gave you in the comment on your last post about the guy who worked at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base for 40 years and wrote a book about UFOs called, ’50 Shades of Greys’ Trish?
    I think it would be right up your alley.

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