Ode to Joy

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5 Responses to Ode to Joy

  1. blah says:

    back 6-7 years ago, on a July Saturday eve heard some music over yonder…Stanford marching band going off… it was kind entertaining…. probably with in a football field’s length of where either of the last 2 US Pres.’s would lay their head if they came to town……

  2. Beautiful and uplifting. Have never been lucky enough to encounter a live flash mob – though ‘mob’ doesn’t seem the right word in this case.

  3. c.j. says:

    Flash mobs are SO incredible! They seem to momentarily remind us that Life has Hope!
    Every time….absolutely EVERY time….I hear or read the word JOY, I think of Anne Strieber. Whitley told us it was her final word as she transitioned, and for me, now, JOY never fails to bring her to mind even though I never met her. This is a beautiful and different kind of flash mob…and powerful. Thank you for sharing.

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