Fire Synchros



On January 9, I was fixing myself a turkey burger. A large lid covered the smaller pan where the burger was cooking away in olive oil. Rob and I were talking about our appearance that night on Coast to Coast and I was also telling him that the person for whom I’m ghostwriting a book was getting fired up about it.

Suddenly, flames shot up from the frying pan, tall flames. Unlike what you see at a steakhouse, these flames were NOT controlled or deliberate. The smoke alarm shrieked and I grabbed the pan’s handle, tossed it in the sink, turned on the water. Neither of us got hurt, it was just startling.

Rob and I just looked at each other. “Wow, what’s that mean?” I exclaimed.

“What were we talking about?”

“Coast to Coast and the ghostwriting project – how the client is getting psyched.”

In this instance, it seems that our conversation was symbolically manifested in physical reality.

Later that evening, we both napped for awhile before Coast to Coast, where we were scheduled to appear from 3-5 am. I finally got up at 11, unable to sleep, and as I went into my office, the large floor lamp went out. It’s been acting up lately and getting a new lamp has been on my list of stuff to do.

I changed the bulb and suddenly there was a tremendous popping sound and flames shot up through the inside of the lamp. Fortunately, they were contained within the metal pole and visible only where the pole connected to the glass lampshade. I blew out the flames and quickly unplugged the lamp and took it out of my office.

So that’s two fires within less than twelve hours. No injuries, just surprise! I know what the first fire meant. But I’m clueless about the second one. Except. During the Coast to Coast show, George Noory asked what our next book was and suggest one on telekinesis. Ah, I thought. A firestarter!

Today, January 11, I went out and bought a new lamp.



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9 Responses to Fire Synchros

  1. Jane Clifford says:

    Only fire synchro I ever experienced was when a friend who had lost a 3 year old in a fire was visiting me and I saw my own toddler who was fresh outta the bath and wrapped in a towel get too close to the gas fire and the towel caught fire! Thank fully he was unharmed but gotta say it was the only time ever that happened

  2. Laurence Zankowski says:


    I got to hand it to you. Able to snap a photo when your stove is on fire! Definitely one cool cat you are!


  3. Sheila Joshi says:

    Hi Trish,

    A belated happy new year, and congratulations on the new book!

    My hit is that there is a lot of energy in something that you’re working on right now — either in talking about the Sensing book on Coast to Coast, or the ghostwriting project, or maybe even something else you’re thinking about doing.

    Something is “fired up” in you and raring to go.

    PS *I’m* fired up about the Buzzfeed dosier! Hoping this is the beginning of the unraveling of the authoritarian nightmare!

  4. DJan says:

    Glad you are okay! 🙂

  5. Darren B says:

    Maybe you should read Stephen King’s son, Joe Hill’s new novel ‘The Fireman’? 😉
    Stephen King also wrote the novel ‘Firestarter’ years ago.

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