More Bermuda Triangle weirdness

It seems that the infamous Bermuda Triangle is still working its weird effects around people associated with it. I just finished co-authoring my second B.T. book with Bruce Gernon, a pilot who flew into the heart of the B.T. phenomenon and survived. One of the outcomes of Bruce’s mysterious flight, in which he and his two passengers were instantly shifted about 90 miles from near Bimini to Miami Beach, was a development of psychic abilities – specifically an ability to ocassionally glimpse future events. We wrote about Bruce’s visions in THE FOG and include more in the upcoming book, Beyond the Bermuda Triangle (New Page Books, July, 2017).

But there is much more in the way of peculiar and synchronisitic events that have taken place  recently related to the Bermuda Triangle. For example, on March 1, I was contacted by a TV producer about plans for a new TV series on the Bermuda Triangle. On March 3, I was contacted by a second producer from another production company who said the same thing. She wanted to talk to me about plans for a new TV series on the Triangle. Of course, my first thought was that it must be the same people, even though the names of the production companies were different. I figured they must be working together. So I wrote the first producer and he said, nope, his company was working independently and he had no knowledge about what the other company was doing. It was a surprise to him.

So a couple weeks passed, and I decided to see if there was anything new with the two projects. Both production companies had asked if I wanted to be involved, possibly as one of the on-air investigators. One producer told me she would probably know more in a week. When I talked to the first producer who had contacted me, he told me they needed to fill out their team of investigators with a younger B.T. expert, someone between 35 and 40, and he asked me if I knew anyone.

After thinking about it, I remembered a guy from India who is very enthusiastic about the Bermuda Triangle, had his own theory, and had produced a  YouTube video about it. He appears to be in his early 30s. I looked him up on FB, since I hadn’t heard from him in a couple of years and couldn’t remember his name. Then I went back to my email to write the producer about Manoj Rai. (How they were going to deal with the fact that the ‘young’ BT expert lived in India was not my problem!)

Meanwhile, a new e-mail had just arrived from Bruce Gernon. So before writing the producer, I opened it and to my astonishment it contained a forward e-mail message from…guess who?

Here’s the message:

Hello sir,

I am Manoj Rai from India. I hope you had remember me. I wrote you regarding my theory based on your flight at Bermuda triangle. sir I am again writing you because last week one of the leading Indian news channel has broadcast my show on their channel. last year also one on the local Indian news paper has published my research on its paper.

Sir I want to tell you that Indian people having the interest in your experience and they want more. Indian people like my theory which explain your journey at Bermuda triangle and I am talking with one more leading news channel and if you give me the permission, we will make one show together.

With regards
Manoj Rai,

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8 Responses to More Bermuda Triangle weirdness

  1. Laurence L. Zankowski says:


    With so much mystery around these anomalies, it needs serious investigation by the boys up in Los Alamos.

    Keep it up Manoj!

    This also needs to checked against solar activity also, seriously, the solar minimum is causing issues with cosmic rays.

    If you need citations about solar activity and cosmic rays, I will provide ….

    Be well

  2. Hilary says:

    Super congrats Capt. Rob! They could not have a better expert!

  3. Sheila Joshi says:

    That is an amazing synchro! And congratulations on getting invited to do three different TV shows!

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