The Tarot on Trump

This evening, Rob and I asked if trump would be gone by June. This spread is called The Ladle and is from Power Tarot, the book I co-authored with Phyllis Vega. The deck is Tarot of the Cloisters.

The first position, starting from the left, is the issue, the second is what’s hidden, then what’s emerging, what’s visible, what is scooped out, and the resolution.

He asserts his point of view.  If he sticks with the status quo – lying – he could attract disaster.  3rd position –  the 8 of pentacles. Messages, rapid communication – i.e., more tweet distractions. 4th card,  trump as king. 5th card –  3 of wands – the ship comes in…the truth? 6th card, the resolution…he is gone.

My next question for the tarot is going to be whether, when he leaves, we can dump the entire administration.


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13 Responses to The Tarot on Trump

  1. c.j. says:

    Yep, I got that on the first go-round, and continue to think that in the event the vice-president and peers deem the prez unfit to serve, a totally independent source should be consulted with all the grounds for that conclusion. If the prez is unfit to serve due to
    debilitating ailment, illness, or mental instability, the outside independent experts should be brought in….in my opinion….just as in a court of law when a defendant is accused of crimes due to mental defect, that accusation must be supported by such an independent and unbiased source. Just my own take on it. In any case, it certainly is a complex and complicated process! Gonna be an interesting presidency, for sure! 🙂

  2. c.j. says:

    I’m not attempting to play the devil’s advocate here. Just a couple of thoughts to add. I don’t like Trump and find him totally offensive and disgusting. I didn’t like Obama or Clinton or Bush, either, but of course for different reasons. My opinions are personal opinions, as everyone’s opinions for liking or not liking a particular president are simply personal opinions and each is different, so detailing them is moot and unnecessary.

    My remark is about the 25th Amendment. It would seem that for a group of politicians led by the vice-president, (in any administration, and in cooperation with a group of other high-level political peers), in order to unseat the president because he or she is “unfit to carry out the duties of the president”, MUST have their reasons substantiated by non-political evaluation. IE, an independent authority such as a psychiatrist or whatever the situation requires. It seems to me that to give the group of politicians led by the vice-president the power to oust the Commander-In-Chief without such substantiation of their reasons gives entirely too much power to that group and allows them to remove the president based on just their combined consensus. And that, again to me, is extremely dangerous. It seems to be a kind of “bullying” and puts any seated president’s vulnerable fate in the hands of unqualified cliques, not unlike high school students who exile another student because they don’t like that student. Anyway, that’s my opinion. I need to add that I honor, respect, and accept the rights of any and all individuals to form their own opinions and therefore refrain from political arguments. My biggest concern in this matter of Trump being elected is to question how in the world so many millions of Americans are mesmerized by him. It frightens me to see the “group mind-set” of our country’s citizens. Yes, Hillary won the popular vote, but nevertheless Trump DID receive sufficient votes to propel him into the Chair, and that disturbs me greatly because it demonstrates something devastatingly awful is happening within our borders.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Here’s the relevant section of the 25th amendment:

      Section 4.

      Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

      Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.

  3. c.j. says:

    Insanity is a condition that must be proven by at least three and no less than three independent licensed psychiatrists. Trump is not insane, He is a sociopath, which is a borderline personality disorder. Here are the characteristics of a sociopath. Read them and see if you believe they present a portrait of DJT. Lack of empathy and sympathy.
    Cold and calculating. Shallow emotions. NARCISSISM. Grandiose self-image. Charming. High I.Q. Manipulative. Secretive. Sexually deviant. Sensitive to criticism. Paranoid. DESPOTIC AUTHORITARIAN. Lawlessness. Low tolerance for boredom. Impulsive behavior, Compulsive lying. Does this describe the current POTUS? In my opinion, absolutely, and can be, also in my opinion, far more dangerous that a person who is insane. Why? Because a person who is insane isn’t aware of his or her behavior characteristics as being abnormal. Contrarily, a sociopath is VERY aware of his or her behavior and delights in manifesting them for his or her own pleasure and purpose.
    On the down side, sociopathy must also be proven and validated by psychiatrists.
    Who has the guts to take on this highly-functioning sociopath in Washington, and more frightening, I think, is how so many Americans could be fooled.

  4. Well that looks hopeless. Pence would have to have some guts. He’s too white breadish.

  5. lauren raine says:

    Trump has to go, but Pence could be almost as bad. what will it take for america to become a relatively sane society again? Have we lost so much already in this plunge into corruption and greed and corporate ownership of the government that nothing will bring b ack a just society?

  6. c.j. says:

    The bigger question: If Trump goes, who will be the President? As much as I am against the current situation, I can’t help but think “BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR”!Most anti-Trump folks believe NOTHING and NO ONE could be worse. I disagree.There IS worse. I have a vision of a pack of hungry lions in a pouncing position, teeth bared, fangs showing, frothing at the mouth with blood dripping, in a tight circle surrounding a gigantic staghorn moose. The moose is a terrible foe, huge, dangerous and vicious in and of itself, but helpless in the face of such predators. Trump is the moose. The lions will kill the prey and feast on its carcass until nothing is left, not even bones. Then the pack of lions will hunt for more, and will find more dangerous and vicious prey. For the life of me, I can’t think of a single person, not one, who is suitable for the Oval Office. We are in the midst of an unprecedented set of circumstances.

  7. I just posed a question on Facebook and will ask here. Can a president be impeached if he is insane?

    How long is it going to take to see that “The emperor has no clothes.”

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