A Greeting from Beyond

Here’s a heart-warming story of a British woman, Marie Robinson, who lost her four-year-old son, Jack, in 2014 to brain cancer. While the boy was alive, his parents often noticed the presence of robins when the boy was outside, and they came to associate robins with the boy. In the aftermath of Jack’s death, they also noticed the brightly colored birds around his grave when they visited the graveyard in Waterlooville, Hampshire, England.

Then in March on the third anniversary of his death, something startling and awesome happened. In March, on the third anniversary of Jack’s death, something startling and awesome happened. A robin was perched on Jack’s gravestone as she arrived at the grave site. She extended her hand and it flew onto her index finger. She managed to take a video of the bird while one her hand and you can hear her talking to it. The astonishing video has had more than nine million views. Take a look here.

(An ornithological note: If the pic doesn’t look like a robin to you, that’s because its a European robin, sometimes called robin red breast in Great Britain. The American version is larger and unrelated, but has the same name apparently because of the red breast.)


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12 Responses to A Greeting from Beyond

  1. lauren raine says:

    Great story! Thanks! The name “robin’s son” struck me too………..

  2. c.j. says:

    Could you check your trash and spam? Sent comments, didn’t make it thru. However, we’re having thunder/lightning storms so that may be the problem. THANKS!

  3. c.j. says:

    What a precious gift! I have always had the conviction that birds are Spirit messengers, and this one can’t be denied. Simply beautiful, and for me it is an indication that
    our pleas are heard and answered! Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. Vicki DeLaurentis-momwithwings says:

    Loved this!

    When my friend died this past February all of us friends kept waiting for special bird sightings, you see our friend was an avid bird watcher. I had told them all to not dismiss anything.
    Weeks went by and everyone was getting really special visits except me.
    One warm day I was outside and we usually get a lot of Cardinals and I noticed there were none. So I said “everyone has gotten a visit but me, can’t you give me just one bird sighting? C’mon have a Cardinal fly by!” At that moment a large, very red Cardinal flew over my head and landed on the post of our white fence and looked straight at me!
    I was taken aback and then I laughed and then I said “Wow, that was impressive! Thank you!”

  5. DJan says:

    What a lovely story of a visitation. And it makes a wonderful way for me to start my day, Trish. Thank you!

  6. Darren says:

    And her name is Marie ROBINson which puts another bizarre twist on things.

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