How Adele Sensed the Future

In 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, the fifth secret is that creativity lies at the heart of synchronicity. It’s not uncommon for artists, writers, filmmakers, cartoonists and others who work in creative fields to experience synchronicity and precognition through their creativity. We have a chapter on this very thing in our book, Sensing the Future, that’s chocked full of stories like the one you’re about to read.

Adele Aldridge is a devotee  of the I Ching and has undertaken a huge project -– illustrating and defining every line in all of the I Ching’s 64 hexagrams. That’s a total of 384 illustrations! And given the exquisite detail and color in her illustrations, as you can see from the image at the top of the post, it’s a mind-blowing ambition.

In March, she was working on Hexagram 26, The Taming Power of the Great. That image at the top is for line 2. In the Richard Wilhelm translation of the I Ching, this line is defined as: The axletrees come off the wagon. Adele’s interpretation is that you are stopped by circumstances.

At the time she had been working on the illustration for the second line, she’d been sick with the flu and one particular day, she was too sick to even work. But she needed litter for her cat, so she decided to run to the market and, as she put it, “at least do something.”

What happened: “I crashed my ancient Honda Civic into a pole in the parking lot and totaled it.” While she sat in the parking lot waiting for AAA to come, she became disheartened that the I Ching hadn’t warned her about this in her morning reading. “In my misery and shock, I thought, So much for the I Ching. It doesn’t work. Maybe I should dump the I Ching. A most ridiculous thought but that was the state I was in.” So, not only had she totaled her car, but her worldview was in crisis.

“After I was home from the entire misery scenario with my car dragged away for junk I looked at the I Ching reading I had gotten for the day that morning. It was #49, Revolution, changing to #20, Contemplation. Revolution is what Wilhelm calls #49. But these days I also check Alfred Huangs, “The Complete I Ching” for his input which is always interesting. I was stunned to see that he calls hexagram 49 “Abolishing the Old.” Now, abolish is a strong word. My car is abolished. But my belief in the I Ching is restored.”

Several days later, Adele was able to return to her art work and was stunned to realize the scene she’d been painting at the time she crashed her car was not only a synchronicity, but a precognition. Through her art, she had sensed the future.

Her car’s tombstone:

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6 Responses to How Adele Sensed the Future

  1. C.J. says:

    What a great example of complex synchronicity…although it must have been pretty awful experiencing all its parts! I think the universe speaks to each of us continuously thru various synchros, but we are usually so wrapped up in the moment to moment stuff that we often fail to notice the presence of Consciousness alive and well in our lives. Because my work is with the frequency matrices that compose everything, in retrospect I generally kick me in the rear for missing the obvious!! Hope the remaining time-frame of Merc Retro is kind to Adele!

  2. Needless to say this is not the kind of syncro that I enjoy even if I do acknowledge it happened. Waaa waaa waaa.

  3. DJan says:

    You remind me of those days when I used the I Ching faithfully. Things change, but the I Ching will always be one of those strong lights that point to the future. Thanks for this great story! 🙂

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