Startling alien encounter story

We haven’t talked to these guys, but it’s hard to imagine that they are making up this story. They also present evidence, a hand print left on a car hood that was made into a cast.

However, it seems they are holding back part of the story. What happened after the initial encounter in the forest? Were they abducted? Did they experience missing time? Whatever it was they experienced was shocking enough that these two men, who had regularly camped in the forest, never went on another camping trip there, not since 2002.

Here’s a you tube about it:



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3 Responses to Startling alien encounter story

  1. C.J. says:

    I’ll watch for that!

  2. C.J. says:

    Something about this just doesn’t seem “right”. Under almost all circumstances, I accept as valid an individual’s account of contact and abductions. These guys….I don’t know. Something just doesn’t……FIT. Listening to their story, I kept waiting, and waiting, and waiting, for “whatever”….not sure what I was waiting for, but whatever it was, it never came. I admit I didn’t listen to the entire report. I listened to about three-quarters of it, and then cut it off because , one, I found it “boring”, and two, I kept waiting for a description of the “light” the men kept referring to as “they” and “them”. There WAS something very unusual that happened right here as I was listening. In the beginning of the story, one of the men mentions a “clicking” As you know, I have a “baby cricket” sound in my ear occasionally, and THAT caught my attention. But it wasn’t the mention of the cricket sound that alerted me. My computer station is in the bedroom downstairs, adjacent to my Egyptian Sanctuary where I now must sleep, in the comfortable armchair/ottoman, due to the symptoms of PD that cause me to have to sleep upright. I am unable to lay down in any prone position. Anyway, I have a small battery-powered glow in the dark clock by the chair. I NEVER, and I mean NEVER, set the alarm. Don’t need it. My “internal clock” awakens me at the same moment every day. Well, at exactly 12:27pm EDT, as I was sitting here at the computer listening to the story, the alarm went off on the little clock. It was precisely the exact time the ‘clicking sounds’ were being mentioned in the video. Obviously, I got up and went to turn it off, and noticed the alarm on the back HAD NOT BEEN SET. Now what was THAT all about??? It was relative to the video. I KNOW this, but don’t have a clue what the relationship was, just that it WAS. Later I’ll come back and listen to the story in its entirety, but for whatever reason, I simply got totally bored by it and wasn’t hearing some something that seemed to need to be there, and wasn’t. In any event, I’ll listen all the way thru later and maybe my sense of it will be more positive. As said, I very rarely doubt revelations of contact and abductions. This one…..?????

    • Rob and Trish says:

      They don’t say what happened after the initial shock of seeing what they were seeing. I guess we’ll have to wait for the documentary this summer to find out the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey used to say. Meanwhile, if you watch the whole thing, you’ll see a quite impressive cast of the being’s hand. For a little guy…that’s a big hand!

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