Stuff that mysteriously disappears

During our 17 years in our house, objects have mysteriously disappeared – a $100 bill, a treasured momento, a piece of jewelry, a favorite book. I’m not sure that disappearing books count since we have so many books, but there have been a lot of things that were visible and present one day, and gone the next. We wrote about this back in 2011, but then it concerned the spirit connected to a Tibetan singing bowl.

I think these disappearances are all along the same idea as socks that mysteriously vanish in the clothes dryer.

The most recent object is a t-shirt, the one in the above image. I bought it back in February for our Cuba trip. Lightweight cotton, white, perfect for tropical weather in Cuba or South Florida. The only time I wore it in Cuba was on the day we returned from our trip. Into the washer it went with a big load of laundry on February 28, the day we got back.

After that, I never saw it again. I thought it might have gotten mixed in with Rob’s clothes, but he went through his drawers and didn’t find it. I searched my closet, thinking I might have hung it in with my slacks. Nope. I knew I’d worn it back to the U.S., into our house, that it had gone into the laundry. Had it ended up with cleaning rags? In a bag for Good Will? Nope, nope, nope. In April, I gave up looking for it and found the same shirt discounted on Chico’s website. I bought it.

Then, tonight, June 4, I returned from Orlando and found it on top of a wicker laundry basket in the cabana bathroom. I sometimes leave gym shorts on top of the basket to toss into the wash, but in the past 4 months, I’ve never seen this shirt there. Now here it was.

I hurried to our bedroom. I had been unpacking my suitcase to do laundry and the second Chic Happens t-shirt was there. I ran back to the cabana bathroom to make sure I wasn’t losing my mind. Nope. Two identical t-shirts.

I figure there are several possible explanations – dementia, a slip into another dimension of reality,  or a trickster. If the latter, it’s a spirit trickster, perhaps the spirit of the monk who owned that singing bowl I bought for Rob as a Christmas present six years ago. If it’s the result of a slippage or bleed through from a different reality, then how does that work, exactly?

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18 Responses to Stuff that mysteriously disappears

  1. Priscilla says:

    This happens all the time in our house. My husband’s video camera vanished from his armoire, was gone for months, and then reappeared right where it belonged. And this was years ago when they were BIG. I’ve thought maybe, if this is a hologram/video game reality, it could be in the occasional backup glitch. When backing up from an older save, things are missing. Then when a more resent backup is done, voila, there back.

  2. c.j. says:

    My only response to the “interdimensional disappreances”question is based on my ET encounters, when the atoms and molecules of my physical vehicle are apparently disassembled for transport through solid walls, etc., and then re-assembled when I am returned. Seems insane, I know, but I have no other explanations for the disappearances and re-appearances of solid objects. These “apports” have happened from time to time with our things, and I don’t have any logical or scientific answer…..such as the occasion when our wonderful (deceased) Dr. Scales, who had been my husband’s partner in their dental practice, visited me during the night and pulled a nasty tooth from my mouth and laid it on my bedside table. No pain, no blood. Before going to sleep, I had asked Doc if he could do something about the ailing tooth….it was awful….and the “spirit extraction” was the result. How can something like that be explained in a manner that we can comprehend? He pulled my tooth while I slept, and there were NO complications. Just too weird, but also
    incredibly magnificent!

  3. c.j. says:

    My Mom had a wonderful collection of gorgeous Fabrege’ decorative eggs all her adult life. After her death at age 63 from lung cancer, my sister in MO inherited the very precious eggs. (I inherited Mom’s beautiful, vast collection of porcelain birds, which are displayed on three wall shelves in a special room here.) Sis placed her collection of Fabrege’ eggs in a glass-fronted corner wall cabinet that has several shelves and the glass door is always locked. Just my Sis has the key, and no one lives with her and her hubby. The favorite egg had a place of honor where it could be better seen and enjoyed. One day while dusting the outside of the cabinet, Sis noticed the favorite egg wasn’t inside. She was frantic. Hubby knew nothing. They searched everywhere. No egg. Mom had died on 10-19. The egg disappeared in late October. My Dad had died years earlier, on 5-24. The egg re-appeared months after its disappearance in its accustomed place in the locked cabinet….on May 24th, the anniversary of Dad’s death. Yep, I realize this sounds fabricated, but it is too true! Did Mom take the egg, which had been given to her many years earlier by Dad prior to his illness and death, or did Mom take it in remembrance of her beloved husband? Either/or? Or something else entirely? How can we explain it?

  4. Nancy says:

    This happens constantly in our home. Inexplicable.

  5. Sharon catley says:

    I went to live in a room with a small child spirit and on the day that I moved in it hid my keys on me. The landlord was quite upset that I had lost them and had to replace them. Several months Later when the rainy season came I took my umbrella out and when I opened it outside the keys fell out I would have never thought to put keys in the umbrella. It was the only time at something went missing while I was there.

  6. Debra Page says:

    We have had things go missing (a cell phone, a jacket from Nepal, etc..) where I am staying. After the letter “T” went missing from our scrabble board (and months of searching), I decided it was a trickster.

  7. Shadow says:

    Hmmmmm, the other-worldly havin a bit of fun? But on a serious note, this is familiar to me, so if you can explain it, I’d be grateful.

  8. Vicki DeLaurentis-momwithwings says:

    This has always puzzled me. I’m missing a favorite book on Crop Circles that I want to share with my class this Fall, but it’s nowhere to be found.
    I will be interested to read others opinions and or experiences.

  9. Sheila Joshi says:

    Wow! That’s a real puzzler. One thing that jumps out at me is that the shirt got lost *and* found on the day of arriving home from a trip. Something about trips.

    And you asked Megan? And neighbors don’t have access to the cabana bathroom?

    It *is* a sassy shirt with its pun and kiss. Maybe it’s talking to you.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Good point, Sheila! Trips. That hadn’t occurred to me!

      • Rob and Trish says:

        Here’s an experience from a facebook friend, Christina Elizabeth:

        Christina Elizabeth Yes. My divorce ring has disappeared for months. Still can not find it. I know I put it in a specific drawer and bam, gone.
        I wanted to get my ring resized because of some surgery to my hands and it was gone. I also had a bracelet do that. After the bracelet showed me what my ex was up too and I was close to being done with the divorce, that bracelet disappeared also. We think that it finished it’s job and left me. The minute I had the bracelet put on me, my senses reopened and it was flooding me with info and where to find it. That’s when I was led to his emails and his planning on killing me. It was a whirlwind with the bracelet

        The bracelet was a mother’s day present from my Goddaughters. They had it made for me.

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