The awesome moon synchro

The next total lunar eclipse won’t be for about six months – January 31, 2018 – but there’s an on-going mysterious synchronicity regarding the moon.

Actually, we’re not sure whether this is just a strange coincidence or a synchronicity. I guess it depends how meaningful you find it. Whatever you call it, it’s both visual and mathematical. The visual part is that during a full eclipse, the moon fits perfectly over the sun. That’s because it is 400 times smaller than the sun and is also 1/400th distance between the earth and the sun.

Isaac Asimov regarded this odd alignment as “the most unlikely coincidence imaginable.” You can find out other ‘coincidental’ ratios and mysterious matters related to the moon in a book entitled: Who Built the Moon, by Christopher Knight and Alan Butler.

I first read about this concept that the moon is an artificial body moved into place by advanced beings to make earth a viable environment for intelligent life – or maybe any kind of life – in a novel called, The Bone Labyrinth, by James Rollins, a prolific novelist who combines investigations into unknown mysteries with action/adventure. No one went to the moon in the novel so that mystery remained unsolved.

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11 Responses to The awesome moon synchro

  1. C.J. says:

    If you google ‘AMERICAN WALK ON MOON A FAKE?” it will bring up pages and pages of material, pro and con, and a huge number of highly credible experts in their fields. I, for one, don’t really care one way or another if it is true or false. For most of my adult life I have been a Traditional (Ancient) Wicca Practitioner, the Moon and its Goddess are our foundation. Keeping it simple, I love the Moon. Having said this, I also want to add that in my personal opinion, the Moon at some point, perhaps eons ago or perhaps right now in this very moment, the Moon has been inhabited by living entities. These entities would certainly not be humanoids. They would be entities supported by the laws of physics applicable on the Moon. They wouldn’t need air, they wouldn’t need water, they wouldn’t need gravity, etc etc etc. It honestly makes no difference to me whether we were there or not. There IS one fact that I find somewhat
    intriguing: Recently, NASA’s attempts to send rockets into space for various purposes have failed miserably….the rockets coming apart and falling into the ocean. Some of these have been intended to take supplies to the Space Station. Yet, more than forty years ago we managed to reach the Moon in a manned spacecraft? Just a question, but for me, a question that is interesting to consider.

  2. Jane Clifford says:

    I sent a post,to Rob lastnfridaynthat in 2009 NASA dropped a 2 ton kinetic mission on the moon contravening all international agreements. Why? There is speculation to ,destroy alien bases

  3. Shadow says:

    Hmmm, no-one can prove or disprove any of these theories, so I merely observe and admire the beauty of the moon in night skies. Magnificent, is it not?

  4. C.J. says:

    There’s been a ‘conspiracy theory’ around for years that we didn’t go the the Moon.
    The facts that base this theory are pretty provocative.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Where are the facts?

      • Darren says:

        ‘Dark Moon: Apollo and the Whistle-Blowers’
        It’s a very good book and makes a lot of sense considering the Russians never landed a man on the moon and they had the better rockets.
        I think NASA got there with unmanned probes like they are using now to explore the solar system, but I seriously question them getting a man through the Van Allen radiation belts and back alive.
        It sounds like they are a lot more deadly than we are told.
        Sounds nuts until you read the book and then it sounds quite sound, I think.
        From a Cold War perspective I can see why the Americans would lie about getting a man to the moon.
        The Space shuttle missions seemed to about how far out a man could travel without getting cooked by radiation.
        Anyway, with all I’ve read and watched from both sides of the coin, I side with the whistle blowers.
        I can’t wait to see how these other countries are going to get a man on the moon.
        Good luck China, India and Co.

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