What the August Solar Eclipse May Portend

Alex Miller is a master of asteroid astrology and his recent post on the August 21 eclipse and what it may portend from trump – and the rest of us, in a collective sense, is fascinating.

The American Eclipse

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4 Responses to What the August Solar Eclipse May Portend

  1. C.J. says:

    WOW. Amazing analysis! Particularly intriguing to me as a metaphysical mathematician is the pairing of asteroids Whitehouse and Damocles….21 and 23…because 21+23=44. I’ve mentioned several times here on the blog that the frequency 44 is the most KARMIC of all frequencies and never fails to decree ominous foreboding. Trump’s legal signature is Donald J. Trump, which resonates to root 4, and his birthdata also resonates to root 4. Double whammy. 44. I’ve studied this relative to DJT carefully during these past months, watching catastrophes and disasters unfold as they have continued to do and to escalate. Another aspect of the analysis that speaks loudly to me as an RN/RTT who seems to have the psychic ability to ‘visually see’ medical issues, (for which I am eternally deeply, deeply grateful and humble because it enables me to help patients!), is the attention to his health. As I’ve previously commented here on the blog, DJT is sick, in spite of his insistence to the contrary. My observations have noted very high blood pressure alongside undisclosed life-threatening heart ailments. I’m going out on a fragile limb and say that DJT has an occlusion in his LAD artery…. the left anterior descending coronary artery that is nick-named “The Widowmaker” because it is the artery that most often implodes in males, causing death. I MAY just be viewing it in his etheric body at this point, but the dark shadow I perceive is definitely covering that LAD which appears to me as a black ‘bulge’, or clot. These LAD-related heart attacks are almost always fatal, and almost always occur suddenly and unexpectedly because it hasn’t been detected prior to the event. I find it compelling that the Eclipse will happen near the astrological sign of LEO, which we all know rules the Heart. Can’t help but wonder if the physicians who have done Trump’s physicals have been generously paid to keep their mouths shut. Under federal law, physicians cannot provide medical info about a specific patient without the permission of the patient, and all of us know that to be true. Bottom line, this detailed, thorough analysis of the upcoming Eclipse is utterly compelling in all its parts! Thanks so much for posting it!

  2. Carlos says:

    In case there was any doubt, this proves the universe has a sense of humor!

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