Staying in place

We didn’t evacuate. The path of the hurricane shifted to the right yesterday morning, September 6, along the east coast, and we were concerned about the shortage of gas en route to Atlanta. So we moved to plan B – staying with a friend in  Cassadaga, then learned that the town was under an evacuation order because the buildings are so old.  So here we are.

Today, the county of Palm Beach asked residents to stay where they are because of gas shortages. Lines at the pumps around town were half a mile this morning to twice that this evening. As of tonight, 30 percent of gas stations across the state are empty – and that’s not good for the people who are under mandatory evacuations from the Keys and Miami-Dade County.

Our house is concrete – with a wooden addition that makes me uneasy. We have accordion pull shutters, easy to close up. I have removed stuff from the walls- like Megan’s paintings, memorabilia from our travels, photos, other art – and sealed them up in garbage bags and taped them shut. They’ll go into the dish washer and oven when the storm moves in, and in high spots around the house.The dish washer and stove are appliances ensconced within the counter (or under it)  and are considered to be solid “safe” places.

We’re fortunate in that our town, Wellington, is structurally strong. No high rises, most of the electrical poles are concrete, the roads have been raised recently, the drains enlarged so that runoff of water is much better. And yet. Lake Okeechobee, the largest fresh water lake in the state that  supplies drinking water to most of us,  is about 39 miles from us. If its dike is breached and the water pours into the numerous canals around here, no telling what might happen. Maybe nothing. Maybe another Katrina.

Our local Publix has been out of water for several days. Today, the other aisles looked nearly as empty as the water aisle in the above photo. Fortunately, I bought water – plastic, bottled water, not known to be environmentally friendly, folks, but readily available and when you’re hot and thirsty, it does the trick. And now there’s none left in this town.

I’ve always been fascinated by hurricanes because they seem almost sentient, conscious in some strange, unknown way, but this one is too close, too personal, too powerful. My hope is for a shift farther to the east, so that Irma does what Matthew did last summer, the eye staying out to sea. Irma, though,  is much larger than Matthew, so that every part of the state will the impacted in some way. Hey, maybe Mar del Lago will be inundated, a trickster thing.

And yet, today,everything seemed pretty normal and we took Noah and Nigel to the dog park. They waited patiently for squirrels. For dogs, life is infinite, timeless, unfettered by hurricanes.



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23 Responses to Staying in place

  1. Jane Clifford says:

    Paraders are with you. May you be blessed with safety

  2. C.J. says:

    Thank you for the good thoughts, Lauren! Our county will be shutting off the municipal water system tomorrow throughout all of the city of St. Augustine as well as the Island and Beach to prevent contamination, so, no tap water. I’m not allowed to drink tap water anywhere due to the minerals such as iron, (natural in FL water), ammonia, fluoride, chlorine, and others that are in it after it is “purified” by the water treatment plant, because these are toxic on a compromised brain. However, we have a great deal of bottled spring water for drinking, and will fill the tub with water and bleach to use to flush toilets when they cut off the water tomorrow. Wanted to say that Hurricane Jose, following directly and closely on the tail of Irma is now a Cat 4, as Irma is. Don’t know what path it will take, but this is the first time in history of storm-tracking that such a phenomenon has occurred. I think our Mother Gaia is getting our attention. Prissy, whine to your heart’s content! Every few hours I find myself weeping, and believe our bodies have release valves for extreme stress! So your back pain, whatever its clinical cause, is probably one of the release valves, even though it is painful! Will try to send you healing thoughts!

  3. C.J. says:

    We’re staying in place, too. I experienced a strange, unprecedented phenomenon every time we discussed evacuating, altho we are under mandated, mandatory evac orders.
    When I thought about leaving, I got extremely sick to my stomach and had other very negative feelings. Don’t know why. The moment we made the decision to remain at home and hubby went out to purchase supplies needed for existing during the power outage, (we WILL have power outage here from the winds), I felt perfectly fine and we have no fears whatsoever about staying home, even tho we are a few hundred yards on the beach from the Atlantic Ocean. I feel SAFE. I did NOT feel safe leaving. This intuitive guide rarely gives me wrong messages. So, along with Trish and Rob and our menageries of pups and kitties, we’ll hunker down for the ride. Am sending as much positive energy thoughts to everyone in the path of Irma….and we’re seeing Hurricane Jose on Irma’s tail….hopefully he’ll go out to sea. Stay safe, everyone!! 🙂

  4. lauren raine says:

    I am wishing you every protection as you face this terrifying situation, and truly hope that it avoids where you are. Is the tap water there something you can’t drink? Could you also bottle up some of it, just in case? I also wanted to let you know that AIRBNB has been connecting hosts in nearby states who wish to offer free lodging to hurricane people – if this is something you need in the future, please know that it is available.

    Why should not hurricanes be sentient? What do we really know about what sentience is? Many spiritual traditions, and now some science, suggest that all things are alive and responsive. My paradigm was forever changed when I learned about Gaia Theory, which proposes that the Earth is a sentient, self-regulating organism.

    Wishing you a safe journey through this.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I saged the house tonight and set out my ideal tarot cards – my version of a spell, I think – for the impact of the storm. I’m convinced the Gaia theory is correct. Thanks, Lauren. We’ll post as we can.

  5. Laurence L. Zankowski says:

    Since this is a blog of all things extra-ordinary, I remembered this video from Stephan A. Schwartz and the future of Florida.

    This is not a joke…

    Time to think of a new start. Be safe, practice situational awareness and move with no remoarse when it is time

    Be well

    P.s. Second infusion, hope keeps me moving

  6. Nancy says:

    Having evacuated yesterday because of the Eagle Creek fire in the Columbia Gorge, I can relate way too much to this post. As we walked out the door, it was with the realization that a wind shift (expected) could decimate our beautiful property of old-growth forest. All that we took with us was important papers, our pets, and each other. In the end, that’s all that matters. Please be safe and hug that adorable puppy for me.

  7. Prissy says:

    I’m in the direct path in Pembroke Pines with no shutters and my back decided to quit on me. I read where you body will give you back pain to take your mind off something that causes you stress. Irma..Wa Wa Wa I hate when I whine. Will be going to my in-laws around the corner since they have shutters and what will be will be. Hope for the best is all we can do. Not looking forward to no air conditioning for weeks.

  8. Sentient storms! A reflection, perhaps, of our own human destruction, one unto the other. Then, the reassessment of values. A coming together with kindness, one for all others.

    Wishing the best possible outcome for you all,


  9. When you posted previously that you were evacuating my first thought was about your dogs and cats. Would they go with you? I am sure you would not leave them behind. What a trip that would be. Let’s blow that storm away. The disaster in Houston is still more than a nightmare to look at no less live with.

    p.s. That new puppy looks so adorable.

  10. Kathleen says:

    You seem as prepared as possible. Will be hoping for system to make a turn out to open waters. With all the technology supposibly in play you would think these storms could be steered in some way to avoid land ? Please keep us posted and keep safe !

  11. DJan says:

    My sister will leave her mobile home to stay in Tampa in her daughter’s rented house. Her entire mobile home park will be under evacuation orders, and she’s on the west coast and inland by 35 miles. It’s terrifying to me how huge this storm is. I’m hoping you and your belongings will all be safe, Trish. Please keep me informed through your blog so I can stop worrying about you once it’s past.

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