

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our U.S. friends and happy Thursday to everyone else.

Thanksgiving is one of those cool holidays when families get together to celebrate everything for which they’re grateful. It means a central meal supposedly similar to what the pilgrims ate – turkeys, potatoes, beans…. For us, it means that our daughter comes home with her dog and cat – Nika and Piper – and any dog she’s watching for the holidays comes with her and we enjoy a four-day weekend together.  That’s the case this Thanksgiving.

We have 4 dogs and 3 cats in the house and, tomorrow, the couple who are coming over to celebrate Thanksgiving with us, are bringing their 2 dogs. So, dogs rule. Here they are:

Nika and Noah,  chilling with us

the visiting dog, Mischief

Nigel talking to Megan

May we all count our blessings for the beauty in our lives!



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3 Responses to Thanksgiving

  1. DJan says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your canine family and friends! 🙂

  2. Dale Dassel says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, MacGregors! We’re at home chilling with our pups also – truly the best place to be on a cool autumn day! Take care, and have a great weekend! 🙂

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