The Afterlife Revolution

Certain authors break new ground and usher in new ways of looking at this matrix we call reality. Whitley Strieber is one of them. He did it initially with Communion and he and Art Bell did it with their book The Coming Global Superstorm. Now Streiber and his wife, Anne,who passed away  on August 11, 2015, have done it with their newest book The Afterlife Revolution.

 This book is many things – a man’s tribute to the woman he loved and was married to for 45 years, a writer’s journey into the nature of life and death and the survival of soul/consciousness, and a whole new way of looking at the relationship between the dead and living. This new matrix involves learning and using the “tools of the soul,” as Anne calls them, to not only communicate with the dead but to allow them to help us, the living, strengthen our souls.

“Out of the coming age of upheaval there is going to emerge either a new humanity or no humanity,” Anne says. ”Earth’s surface is a womb. In this womb, a baby, life, has been growing for eons. This baby has matured to the point that it has intellect and therefore the capacity to enter higher consciousness – that is, to be born. So the waters of Earth’s womb are breaking.”

Anne talks about how after the transformation of the planet, the entire species will be going through a “gigantic shamanic initiation. The seeker enters death in order to experience life in a new and more encompassing way. The outcome of this initiation will be that the blinders of physical life will be removed, randomness and chance will no longer 0play so much of a role in life as they do now, and souls will enter bodies with knowledge of their reasons for doing so intact. The living will know the dead.”

Strieber writes that because of the challenges humanity and our planet now face, “nonphysical mankind, along with many different sorts of midwives and helpers, is preparing physical mankind for the shock of species initiation, and to use our planet afterward in a new way.”

In the book, the Striebers aren’t just speaking to those of us who have communicated with the dead in some way or have sensed the future in dreams, visions, meditations, synchronicities. They’re speaking to the many who have had experiences that offer glimpses into these areas – and then are convinced by consensus reality that what they experienced didn’t really happen. It was fantasy, imagination, delusion, absurd, impossible.

I once asked Whitley why he thinks Anne passed on first. “Because she’s the teacher, and I have the platform,” he replied. In other words, he was the communicator.

And as I read this book, his reply made perfect sense. What Anne is “teaching” in this book is that the greatest soul tools we have to strengthen our souls, are love, compassion, and humility. As Strieber adds, physical life, though, is also a soul tool, a “soul-altering machine.”

“When you know for certain that those of us without physical bodies are real and that we are with you, your fear of death will end for you,” Anne says. And it’s this fear of death that keeps us “soul blind.”

Whitley, as the communicator in this duo whose soul stayed earthbound, writes with such honesty and clarity that I cried through one chapter, laughed and cheered throughout another, and came away from this book convinced that the Striebers have broken new ground. Whitley’s Communion did this in the UFO/alien field precisely because it was so personal, because he experienced it. The book gave voice to the thousands of people who had experienced contact and were afraid to talk about it.

The Afterlife Revolution does the same thing in terms of our understanding of death, NDEs, the afterlife, spirit communication, and the relationship between the dead and the living. The book may well be a new spiritual paradigm that lays out a possible path for the evolution of our souls. This evolution would mean that as the planetary transformation unfolds, the living and the dead aren’t just two previously separated halves who have reunited. They are now allies, inseparable.

PS It’s fitting this post goes up on what would have been my mother’s 101st birthday. She was a skeptic about all of this stuff. But, I suspect, that skepticism has vanished i the 17 years since her death in June 2000.

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9 Responses to The Afterlife Revolution

  1. Darren B says:

    I haven’t read ‘The Afterlife Revolution’ yet, but ‘The Super Natural: A New Vision of the Unexplained’ by Whitley Strieber and Jeff Kripal was a great read.

  2. lauren raine says:

    I’d like to read this book, and thank you for your thoughts on it! I’ve been thinking just lately about the Hopi “end of the 4th Age” (the Maya had the same idea) and that we are now entering the “5th Age”, which, if you look at it symbolically from the point of view of the 5 elements, the age of unity, the “aether” or spirit element that underlies and joins all elements. I always saw the Spider Woman myth as significant in that, as the “weaver” is the one who acts as midwife in many of the Pueblo legends of the end of each age.

    I believe it was Julian James who wrote in the 80’s that people were once “hard wired” to “channel”, and his belief that all people were once much more mediumistic. Many earth mysteries people (including myself) believe that the great megalithic sites were made to facilitate mediumistic contact with the discarnate and the elemental intelligences of the land.

    Your article gives me hope…….I realize I have been so dismayed by the corruption and backlash of what has gone on this past year that I have been almost unable to hope for anything. It would be wonderful to think that from this some kind of better humanity can emerge. Lately I’ve been feeling that we are not going to make it past adolescence.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I know what you mean about a kind of hopeless feeling concerning stuff generally in the world. But Strieber’s book fills you with a different and more powerful kind of hope!

      • Darren B says:

        Re: “I always saw the Spider Woman myth as significant in that, as the “weaver” is the one who acts as midwife in many of the Pueblo legends of the end of each age.”

        It’s funny that all this resonates with a post I wrote at my blog yesterday about scientists trying to play God by bringing back the Tasmanian Tiger using the Tasmanian Devil as a carrier for the Tassie Tiger’s genes.

        I also mentioned how the new Juassic Park movie comes out in June 2018, which is the 50th anniversary of the movie ‘Rosemary’s Baby’
        I also used the re-booted fly movie starring ‘Juassic Park”‘s Jeff Goldbulm as an example of the nightmare scenario of messing around with genes and nature.
        In the old fly movie it is the spider(woman?) who takes care of the fly problem, fixing the mistake made by human meddling.
        I think Anne’s right when she says, “Out of the coming age of upheaval there is going to emerge either a new humanity or no humanity.”
        And we are now at the crossroads I feel and the world wide web (of the Spider-woman?) is a very important tool in weaving that new world that is being birthed (or killed) right now.

  3. DJan says:

    Fascinating, as Spock would say. This is a book I’ll have to read. Thank you for the gift of your review. 🙂

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