Synchronicity & the Other Side

Finally available again, with a great cover from David Dodd at Crossroad Press.

$3.99 at Amazon

You see your grandmother’s favorite bird outside your window not long after her death.
You inexplicably feel drawn to vacation at a remote location you’ve never been to, only to discover that your ancestors lived there hundreds of years ago.
Everywhere you look, you notice the numbers 1111–on clocks, license plates, odometers.

Signs from the afterlife are everywhere–if you only know how to look. In this groundbreaking book, you’ll discover how meaningful coincidence–synchronicity–is key to your connecting with loved ones who have passed on.

Such contact can come to you through dreams and meditation, mediums and signs, and more. From the unexpected appearance of familiar animals, images, and sounds to clusters of numbers and objects, you’ll learn how to recognize when and how people from the other side are trying to connect with you.

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7 Responses to Synchronicity & the Other Side

  1. Darren B says:

    I didn’t even know that this book was out of print.
    Good to see it’s available again, and I’m not just saying that because my story is in it…well maybe I am a little bit…but I think it is an important book for people who aren’t that familiar with death and signs.
    I just heard a good pod-cast this morning at the ‘I’m Spiritual Dammit’ website where –
    “Jenniffer Weigel talks to Dr. Mary Neal, who wrote the New York Times bestseller “To Heaven and Back.”
    They discuss her latest book “7 Lessons From Heaven” and how she drowned in a kayak accident in Chile and miraculously survived after 30 minutes without oxygen. As an orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Neal talks about the need for a spiritual awakening in the medical community and her deep faith. ”
    There are some good synchros in the show, too.
    You can listen to the show at this link –

  2. C.J. says:

    What a beautiful story, Lauren! I have an immediate sychro with this post that brings me a smile. Recently I purchased a hard-cover book entitled “I’M DEAD. NOW WHAT?” It has about 100 pages with various sections separated by tabs indicating what subject the writer desires to elaborate. One of the sections is labeled “My Obituary”. This morning, before getting out of bed, I was mentally composing a few remarks I want included in my eventual obituary, (I wasn’t being morbid; just meandering thoughts), and this is the very first sentence: My name, the month, day, and year of death, to b e followed by these words: …..”shed her fragile cocoon of earth-bound skin and danced on butterfly wings with unencumbered joy into the arms of those many loved ones who have been waiting for her arrival”. Then I came to the blog and what do I see? Could there be a more appropriate synchro? Love it!!!!!!

  3. lauren raine says:

    I love your books and thoughts on this subject. I had an odd little synchro recently.
    I have a basket I keep lemons and oranges in, and at the bottom of the basket are little bits of costume jewellry my mother owned……I guess I can’t stand to throw them away so I keep them in the bottom of the basket, kind of for good luck maybe.

    I also have a gold locket, a small heart, that belonged to my grandmother. I have kept that in jewellry boxes since I left home, a keepsake. About 12 years ago I was living in a trailer, and I found it lying in the dirt before the door to the trailer! I had no idea how it got there………I never wore it or took it out, in fact, I’d entirely forgotten I owned it. I remember thinking about it, and wondering if it was kind of my grandma’s way of saying hello.

    So just the other day I found the little gold heart in with my mothers bits and pieces of costume jewellry at the bottom of the basket full of lemons (I was emptying them out to juice them)! Once again, I couldn’t have put it there because it’s valuable, and I see no reason why I would have taken it out of a jewellry box and put it in the bottom of a basket I keep lemons in. But it gives a loving feeling, and I hope it’s my grandmother, or mother, giving me a “hello” and encouragement in what has been a very difficult time this month………….

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