Spider Woman Speaks!

Lauren Raine is an artist who lives in Tucson and her work is indescribably beautiful. It focuses on the Native American archetype of Spider Woman. She blogs about her work, archetypes, myth, and synchronicity. The image of hands at the top of the post is an example of her exquisite art.

As she describes on her website:

“Because I live in the Southwest, I’ve been inspired by the presence of the  native American Creatrix,  Spider Woman. I believe this ancient and ubiquitous archetype has important meaning for our time, and so I keep pursuing the threads of the Spider Woman.     In 2007  I was awarded a fellowship with the Alden Dow Creativity Center at Northwood University to develop “Hands of the Spider Woman” as well as a grant from the Puffin Foundation, and in  2009 I further developed the project as resident artist at the Henry Luce III Center for the Arts  in Washington, D.C.   The weaving continues.”

The other day, I received an email from Lauren about a synchronicity she experienced. She’s preparing for her presentation for a conference on Women and Mythology in Las Vegas.   Her subject is “Spider Woman:  A Myth for our time.”  So while preparing, she received an email from a friend in NY she hasn’t been in touch with for several years. The email included this image, by French artist Odilon Redon.

It’s called The Spider, was created in 1902. See the human face? This anthropomorphism embodies Symbolism, a movement that celebrated the imaginative and the literary. It was done in charcoal.

As Lauren says, it’s “A nice touch from  Spider Woman! I guess I see sometimes synchros as demonstrating how we are all connected in ways that we don’t realize….”


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2 Responses to Spider Woman Speaks!

  1. Darren B says:

    That French image of the spider reminds me of a post I wrote in 2013 titled ‘James and the Giant Peach Syncs’ about Susan Sarandon’s role in the movie version of ‘James and the Giant Peach’ where Susan plays a spider with a French woman’s face and features –
    The weird thing though is in that same post I wrote about the violin ornament you mentioned in one of your posts Trish that Susan Sarandon sent you and now I’m reading an excellent book by Sarah Sentilles called ‘Draw Your Weapons’ where the book centers around a violin made in an internment camp, which I wrote about in a post titled ‘Synchronicity, 42 and Owls?’ –
    ‘Draw Your Weapons’ is a very good book, too, and I highly recommend it.

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