Repeating Numbers

Canadian Judi Hertling, whose synchros we’ve written about before, recently sent me her record of repeating numbers and speculates that these numbers correlate to events. The numbers, she said, showed up everywhere – on clocks, receipts, TV, magazines etc. – and are usually combined with sadness.

“The event appears to happen within four days of numbers appearing repetitively. Is this a universal warning for sensitive to send more light into the world?” she asks. “Or something else?”

Are these repetitive numbers related to planetary empaths?

Here is her record:


Nov 11, 12, & 13/20 12:22, 10:10, 11:11, 12:12, 1:11, 2,22, 4:44, 555, 10:10,

1:11 , 2:22 (repeating over 3 days prior to event).

Nov 15/2015 Event: Paris Attack 130 killed.

 Nov 30/Dec 1/2015: 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, 11:11, 12:12, 4:44.

Event: Mass Shooting in California


March 19/2016 10:10, 11:11, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, 12:12. 1:11

March 21/2016 Event: Belgium Bombing.

July 6/2016 11:11, 1:11, 3:33, 5:55, 10:10, 11:11. 1:11. 222.

July 7/2016 Event: Dallas Shootings.

 July 13/2016 10:10, 11:11, 1:11, 3:33, 4:44, 12:12, 12:22, 111

July 14/2016 Event: Nice Attack.

July 20/2016 11:11, 3:33, 4:44, 10:10, 12:12, 111, 222, 11:11

July 20 & 21/2016 Event Munich Attack.


Sept 30 & Oct 1/2017: 10:10, 11:11, 12:12, 1:11, 333, 444, 5:55, 11:11, 12:12,

2:22, 12:22, 1:11. (Repeating over 2 days prior to vent).

October 2/2017: Event Shooting Las Vegas 58 Dead, 528 Injured

 October 29 & 30/2017: 10:10: 11:11, 1:11, 3:33, 5:55, 10:10, 11:11, 1:11.

October 31/2017: Event: Terrorist drives rental truck into cyclists and

pedestrians in New York. 8 Dead and at least 15 injured.

 Sat. Nov 4/2017: 11:11, 1:11, 3:33, 5:55, 10:10, 12:12, 1:11, 5:55

Event: Mass shooting in Texas Church. 26 Men, women

and children died.

Nov 20/21 2017 222, 333, 444, 11:11, 12:12, 1:11, 3:33, 5:55. (repeating)

over 2 days.

Nov 24th Event Terror attack in Egypt. 305 dead.

Nov 25/26/2017: 333, 444,10:10, 12:12, 3:33, 5:55, 10:10, 1111, 12:22

Nov 27th. Event: Terrorist Attack Iraq.

Dec 17/ 2017 1111, 12:22, 222, 4:44. 5:55

Dec 19th Event: Train derailed in Washington.

Dec 26 & 27/17 10:10, 11:11, 333, 444, 10:10, 12:12, 12.22 1:11

Dec 28th Event: Apartment Blaze Bronx, 12 people dead


Jan 19 & 20 2018 11:11,1212, 12:22, 10:10, 11:11, 1212.

Jan 23rd Event: School Shooting, Kentucky. 2 dead, dozen injured.

Feb 13, 2018 10:10, 11:11, 333, 444, 555, 10:10, 1212, 12:22, 1:11 2: 22.

Feb 14, 2018 Event: School Shooting Florida. 17 Dead.

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6 Responses to Repeating Numbers

  1. C.J. says:

    I just sent a comment….didn’t go thru? Maybe it landed elsewhere?

  2. C.J. says:

    Recently I told Trish and Rob that my mind actually THINKS in number frequencies as opposed to the letters of the words. It occurs involuntarily and not intentionally . I’ve authored a non-fiction, 500+ plus page text (not published) exploring the ancient Greek, Hebrew, Latin, Aramaic, and Egyptian alpha-numeric language systems and their relative applications. Our Universe is created on mathematical matrices in every aspect. Whenever I am having planetary empath symptoms, number frequencies never fail to be involved. Working with the numbers, I attempt to seek the connection those numbers might have to whatever event is preparing to manifest. Sometimes they indicate longitude and latitude. Sometimes they represent the frequencies of the event itself, ie, earthquakes and other massive natural disasters, terror attacks, etc. Sometimes they represent the TIMING of the event in terms of days until it manifests.
    Sometimes it represents how many humans will be injured or killed. Unfortunately
    I’m not yet able to pin point with precision what the numbers are telling me until AFTER it happens, and THEN they become crystal clear. Frustrating to the max! So, I would say to Carl that in my experience, clusters of numbers definitely accompany
    PE symptoms. Hopefully we may eventually be able to determine exactly what we are being told.

  3. Carl says:

    Interesting sequence and record. Maybe this is one variation on planetary empath symptoms?

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