
This one comes from Jean Grey.


Tonight I experienced a truly odd synchronicity. This was exceptional in that all of my other recent synchronicities have seemed mundane. For example, one day I was seeing the color orange way more often than could be credited to random chance. But tonight was different.

For almost a year now, I have had this one particular thought running through my mind: “between eternity and infinity, any thing exists.” I had thought that I was being particularly clever and was feeling pretty smug about my cleverness.

And then I was reading Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now. One of his passages makes mention of this idea…between eternity and infinity…in reference to the attributes of God. I’m pretty blown away by this coincidence. Could it mean that my synchronicities are coming through on a higher level? Could it be that I am channeling more/higher source energy? Have I become less distorted? Whatever the cause, I’m liking it.

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28 Responses to Eternity/Infinity

  1. gibbs williams says:

    anonymous is Gibbs on line who is inept at times in following directions.

  2. Anonymous says:

    What you refer to as a connection with Jung's concept of the collective unconscious, I view from a naturalistic perspective as a connection with the collective consciousness. I define the collective consciousness as the repository of all conceived ideas. Now that the internet is able to access most of these ideas simultaneously it is no wonder that people on the same wave length so to speak in their experiencial development – so to speak – should find themselves attuned to parallel events, concepts, phrases what have you.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    WHAT I THINK: I'm losing the thread here, who is Peter S?

  4. what I think ( in ink) says:

    simplier, like the truth that Peter S. was talking about

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Musing – now that's an intriguing synchro with words!

    Simon – beyond the quantum. Nearly as good as holographic!

  6. simon from planet E. says:

    If you guys are reading Micheal Talbot the one you want was an earlier one, went out of print and became fairly pricey, a paper back at one time going for about 80. I had given my copy away to someone who helped me get off the street. the book I believe came back in print, called "Beyond the Quantum"

  7. musingegret says:

    Just for a grin again at syncs and Jungian ideas, here's an excerpt from an email I sent my dad yesterday (10/28 at 9 a.m.). I was following up on a discussion we had going about words becoming popular in the press, tv, etc.

    "As for zeitgeist, I first encountered it in a phrase in an Erica Jong novel (i.e. How to Save Your Own Life) where the heroine, Isadora Wing (main character in Fear of Flying) remarks that she has become "the amanuensis of the Zeitgeist." I checked my handwritten journal and there in the entry for August 23, 1977 I've written down the definitions of both nouns in the phrase.

    Interestingly, when you google the phrase all the top entries reference a book review in the Denver Post from last Sunday that reads "Nearly a decade ago, bon vivant, author and self-appointed "Amanuensis of the Zeitgeist," Tom Wolfe publicly proclaimed that John Irving, John Updike and Norman Mailer weren't writing novels that engaged "the life around them."

    I can't tell from the quote if Tom Wolfe ever stated that about himself or if the reviewer was borrowing the phrase from Jong without crediting.

    The coincidence and timing of the phrase is pretty weird though based on my remembrance of it and my email of Sunday regarding popular words in current usage.

    Isn't it amazing what gets cherry-picked from the collective unconscious?"

    And now I read all the comments today referencing the collective unconscious and simultaneous ideas!

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Love the Oversoul books and all the Seth books. Lost seems to be one of those series that is built on layers of synchroncities! Can't wait for the new season to start.

  9. Marie Mc Neill says:

    OMG watching lost series 2 Tuesday night and the scene where the girl in the orange dress walks by Jin, he rubbernecks after her and bumps into Sun 🙂 Was thinking about it as I fell asleep Love is Orange 🙂

    beside my computer as I read this Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

    Can I throw in 'Oversoul Seven Trilogy' here by jane Roberts, when i read this in response toa casual reading tip i was offered online about 2 months ago, my whole/old world underwent a radical shift in perspective bigtime. Only for that book I wouldn't be here now reading this sort of blog, experiencing the 1111 and daily wonders of synchronicity.

    The world/universe is awesome !!!!!

  10. palmrot says:

    Thanks for the reading tips! Interesting talking to you. Adios

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    New twists on old ideas, Terri. You're absolutely right. We all have our individual points of view,but are basically coming from he same place.

  12. terripatrick says:

    Fascinating discussion! As a writer, I also have noticed that there are few original ideas. But there are numerous ways they can be presented, or implimented, and as many stories as souls present on this planet.

    This lesson was during some dark moments when working on the memoir of my parents. It was tough work and knowing the story is already written into the collective unconsious, made it even tougher. 🙂 But I was encouraged to keep on writing because – it was being told in my voice and point of view. Which was what made it unique.

    This blog and all the comments are a perfect example. Most posts are sharing from original sources with new observations, and the comments often present twists on the same – from different voices and points of view.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    If a scientific theory – many worlds or one of the other ideas about the nature of reality – resonates intuitively, then I look more deeply. Michael Talbot's book, The Holographic Universe, is one of the best I've read. It explains the inexplicable for non scientists.

    Brian Greene's book are good, particularly the one discussing string theory. Michio Kaku (sp) is also terrific at explaining these same kinds of ideas.

    Then I wonder about synchronicity. What does it tell us about the nature of reality? Intuitively, synchronicity feels closest to the way physicist David Peat explains it – as a bridge between mind and matter. It's all one intriguing mystery to me.

  14. palmrot says:

    Trish and Rob, I'm no scientist either, but have promised myself that I shall study some basic quantum physics, daunting as it may seem. Tentatively, what I'm sayin is quite different from the many worlds theory, which I view with some scepticism. This (and other fantastic theories) derive from paradoxes observed by particles on a sub-atomic level, and it's really no wonder that we can't readily understand what's going on there, but I expect that it's just a question of time until we have logical answers to the basic quest, which is to find how gravity is linked to matter and light. It's symptomatic of our exaggerated belief in science that we use these failures to build a world view. Remember that mathematicians for a long time was not able to explain how the hare was able to overtake the turtle, or the value of the square root of 2. Instead we should trust our intuition more; reality and infinity/eternity hold enough mystery as is, to me at least.

  15. simon says:

    pretty crazy pretty darn crazy

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Palm – what you're describing sounds a lot like the many worlds theory in quantum physics.My understanding of this theory (and I'm no scientist!) is that for every decision we make, every choice, a new branch of reality opens. So, there would be a version of me that never became a writer, never got married, never had a daughter. (That said, I'm delighted to be living the present version!) So there could be an infinite number of you or me, yet we experience these selves as probabilities.

  17. palmrot says:

    Hi Jean,
    I've had the same thought for quite a few years now, but as of late it has developed (not sure if that has anything to do with any synchronicity): Whereas infinity is a very big place and eternity is a very long time (sic!) and has many times in history been equated to God, only two things seem really certain: 1. it exists (in spite of claims to the contary), and 2. we can't really say much about it for sure. For example, we don't know if everything is repeated as some claim, instead it is conceivable that the infinite universe is infinitely varied. And (this is my point) we can't really know that it contains "anything", only that it contains everything that exists, and we still don't know what that is. I do believe it will hold many surprises for us as we continue to explore nature. I also believe that the prevailing notion of time and space as being finite is one of the things that closes peoples minds to experiencing the unexplained. But, maybe the time for the infinity/eternity concept has finally come now, with all that must follow.

  18. Toumai says:

    The image reminds me of my mother's painting… hidden picture within a picture. Though this one was likely planned.

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We did a post awhile back on simultaneous scientific discoveries:

  20. Nancy says:

    The Collective Unconscious, is for sure in play during these instances of simultaneous discoveries/thoughts. This has happened many times to me -especially when it comes to my thoughts on "the next big thing." It always turns out something has thought about it and is well on the way to doing it!

  21. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Butternut: here's an interesting piece on simultaneous discoveries/patents.
    These kinds of things certainly qualify as synchronicities. In most instances the people are working independently of each other and apparently have tapped into the same collective soup.

  22. Butternut Squash says:

    I'm sure that I have read examples of scientific breakthroughs that happen simultaneously in completely different places in the world but at about the same time. It does make you wonder what's going on. Sorry I don't have a concrete example for you. (Maybe it was in 'Guns, Germs and Steel'-Jared Diamond.)

  23. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ohhh, mannnnn!!!! so i'm not the ONLY ONE? can't tell you how many times i've walked around all smug like jean, thinking i had really "thought" of something! 🙂 very neat post, as usual! LOVE the image!

  24. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Natalie – An orange toothbrush?! Where were you when THAT happened?
    Butternut – that's happened to us, too. You think you've got a great book idea – only to discover that 2 others on the same topic have just been published.

  25. Butternut Squash says:

    I have often had these fantastic ideas that I think are my own original thoughts only to find that someone else has published, patented or said my very same idea just before I do something about it. I must be tapping into a collective consciousness but it is very frustrating when one is trying to have an original idea.

  26. Natalie says:

    It has recently started with me too.
    An orange toothbrush hit me on the head out of nowhere….no human way possible.
    Lots of messages coming in …mostly in regard to human society, and a feeling of knowing more than what I know, you know?

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