A Busman’s Holiday Synchro

I call this post a busman’s holiday because I’m reading a book on the same topic as a book that Trish and I have coming out in August called, Secrets of Spirit Communication: Techniques for Tuning In and Making Contact. Our book won’t be out for another month, but Leslie Kean’s wonderful tome, SURVIVNG DEATH is out now, and I’m greatly enjoying it. It differs from our book in that she focuses strongly on the science related to the controversial subject—at least controversial in mainstream science—whereas our books focuses on stories, both personal and from many others, and emphasizes the how-to aspect. In other words, how to contact your own deceased loved ones.

Maybe I should’ve put our book at the top and Kean’s at the bottom of the post, but right now I’m writing about hers and my contact experience with it, as I’ll explain. Each night before I go to sleep I read a few pages or a chapter, depending how tired I am. Several of her chapters are actually written by scientists researching some aspect of the subject. Some read very well, others a bit dry. Kean’s own writing is always on point and revealing her deep research on the subject.

What I discovered in reading about life after death and possible contact with the dead (who it seems are NOT very dead at all) is that simply reading about the subject at bedtime is another way of making contact. It’s one method that didn’t occur to us while writing our book.

Case in point, last night as I was reading a chapter about research on mediums—those who portend to connect with the other side and bring back messages—I clearly heard my name and it was my mother’s voice. She died June 15, 2017 and a psychic/medium friend of ours told me recently that she’s been trying to contact me. Up to that point, I hadn’t experienced any sense of contact, even though I’d tried. But then last night merely by reading about the subject, not thinking about my mother at all, she came through. Besides recognizing her voice, she also used the nickname that only my parents and sister called me by: Robbie.

This story, of course, is an anecdote, not proof of anything. However, with spirit contact, as we emphasize in our book, the most important means of coming to terms with life after death and accepting it is through such personal experience. Contact.

We hope you read our book when it comes out and learn some of these techniques for making contact and read some of the fantastic stories that we’ve gathered,  but I also recommend Kean’s book if you want to learn the latest on research on the subject and some very significant cases that she documents.

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11 Responses to A Busman’s Holiday Synchro

  1. lauren raine says:

    fascinating post and subject. There is an organization in Tucson called the Windbridge Foundation that has been researching mediumship for years in a very academic manner….a bit dry, but they are apparently quite dedicated.

    In 2017, just 4 months after my mother, Florence, died and 10 months from the death of my brother Glenn, I stopped in Camp Chesterfield, Indiana, an old Spiritualist community that is near to Mounds State Park, ancient sacred land. I decided to have a reading with a medium there, Patricia Kennedy. Patricia had me sit down at a desk, and she proceeded to write, even scribble, on a piece of paper in front of her – some kind of numerology. She told me things about past lives, issues I had personally and financially – and in the middle of this, she looked up at me and said “Florence and Glenn say hello!”.

    I hadn’t told her the names, or anything about the losses I was grieving! She went on to describe my mother, Florence, as holding out a bouquet of roses, and she also said that Glenn was having a good time making music! My mother, who grew up in Pasadena, California, home of the Rose Parade, was an avid gardener, and my brother had been a talented guitarist in his youth, but he gave it up as he grew older. I was amazed, and most importantly, given the comfort I needed.

  2. C.J. says:

    Nancy, decades ago when my Dad died, there were precious few diagnostic clinical tools that exist now, such as CT Scans, PET Scans, MRIs, on and on. At that time, however, diagnostic testing for the brain was limited to standard XRays, EEGs, Spinal Taps, and the symptoms presented by the patient. Anne Strieber was afflicted by GBM, and there are three folks among our friends who have it. Dad lived seven months from diagnosis to death. One of the questions in my mind is pondering whether GBM might be connected in any manner to encounters with Other Worldly Beings. It’s one of the paths I’ve following, because my Dad definitely was connected, as was Anne. Being diligent, I can’t deny that at least SOME of the current patients are diagnosed now because we DO have so many more clinical devices at our disposal. I’m not planning to discontinue the focus in the direction of ET/ED encounters, but there are other directions to explore as well. Nancy, would it be too intrusive for me to inquire WHICH AREA of your husband’s brain the GBM was located? I don’t want to seem insensitive. On the contrary, this tragedy has never left me throughout my life, and as you feel your husband guiding you, I sense my Dad guiding me. The tiny ‘seed’ of his GBM was in his left temporal lobe and grew from that tiny seed in just the seven months to the size of a grapefruit at his autopsy. It was also discovered at autopsy that he had GBM mets to the left ventricular septum of his heart. It was the first known case of mets to the heart and was written up in worldwide medical journals. Nancy, try not to worry about your daughter inheriting the gene. My research so far doesn’t seem to indicate a genetic tendency, thank the Gods!

  3. C.J. says:

    P.S. At the time of my Dad’s death from GBM, it was a very rare cancer. Now, it has become more and more universal. My extensive research into the subject is an attempt to learn WHY the undeniable increasing appearance of GBM, and WHAT, if any, its patients may have in common. It is grueling, highly detailed work, but I have a strong background in medical research and that makes it easier. GBM is primary ONLY in the brain, never in any other organ although it does metastasize to other organs just as other cancers have mets to the brain. I have a niggling hunch….which could be VERY wrong….that the electronic devices and/or the prolific satellite towers emitting powerful invisible signals might contribute to it. A few years ago, a faceless Voice that occasionally speaks to me in my sleeping dreams said, “C, the title of your book is WATCHING DADDY DIE. I didn’t understand that then, but am beginning to comprehend the message. Maybe.

    • Nancy says:

      Very interested in what your research learns, CJ. I did the same when he was diagnosed and followed all of the “cures” and trials. It is almost 100% fatal in 12-16 months. It is on the rise. It hits all ages, all walks of life, but especially men in their mid-sixties. Cell phones? Maybe. My husband used one all the time for work. The tumor appeared on the opposite side, however. Cell towers? Maybe. We live in an urban environment. He also traveled extensively – radiation from flying? He was in NYC during 911. I just don’t know. I can only pray my daughters do not inherit it.

  4. C.J. says:

    Love Nancy’s story. It involves a specific, deeply immersed research I’m conducting in a subject that, for yet some unknown reason, keeps appearing in my life for the past several years: GLIOBLASTOMA MULTIFORME. My Dad died from that monstrous malignancy decades ago. He was only 42. I was almost 18. And I walked in his shadow through each and every step of his devastating journey. I don’t understand why NOW,
    after so much time, suddenly there are so many persons appearing here and there in my life who currently have or who have crossed over after suffering from GBM. My Dad, in the after-human-life, from whatever dimension he now exists, is definitely guiding this research. As a born medium, I am able to say with NO reservations whatsoever that the human Soul survives the demise and shedding of the human shroud. Thank you, Nancy, for sharing your story, and I’m so glad all turned out well for you in the selling of your vehicles! There’s no doubt in my mind that we receive
    tremendous assistance from discarnates. Some have mentioned to me that we must ask for their help; others tell me they help without being ask. In any event, I am unspeakably grateful for their presence and guidance, and will consume these two books!!!!

    • Nancy says:

      It’s funny CJ, but it usually only happens when I ask. I see him letting me take the lead until I ask for help. Pretty much how he was on this side.

  5. Nancy says:

    I’ve read several books on the subject and look forward to both of these. I do believe they have the capability to contact us, as well as, help us with issues we are dealing with on this plane. Recently, I decided to sell our Airstream trailer and truck that we bought just before my husband was diagnosed with glioblastoma. We only used it a couple of times and it’s been in storage for almost two years. I “asked” for my husband’s help as I was totally at a loss as to how to sell it. The dealership was taking a huge chunk to sell it on consignment, and I didn’t want the hassle of showing it all the time. I put an ad on an Airstream forum and for some reason all the pictures I posted came out sideways (!) I really didn’t expect to sell it there as there were 18 pages of late-model airstreams – all unsold. But the very next day I got a call from a man who was at a dealership in CA and was looking at the exact same model and year as mine. He asked if I would take what the dealership had finally accepted for the one on the lot – which wasn’t much less than what I was asking. The end result? He waited a week while I was out of town, drove all the way to Portland and bought my trailer. He was a very nice man who brought his teenage son with him. I have no idea why he chose my trailer out of the many listings, nor why he chose to drive all the way to Portland to pick up a trailer he hadn’t seen. Is this help from the other side? I can only say that my husband would have wanted that thing sold without me having to hassel with people trying to negotiate me way down from my price. Nor would he have wanted me to take so much less for it from the dealership. It was literally brand new. My brother ended up buying the truck for his business. It was all complete, and I got the amount I listed the two vehicles on the Airstream website. I find when I actually ask for his help, it comes – in one form or another. I can’t explain it, but it happens none the less.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Great story, Nancy! It sure sounds like Rich was helping out. I suspect these things will keep happening for you because you’re so open to contact.

  6. Stephanie O says:

    Very cool! I’m currently in mediumship training with Susanne Wilson (The Carefree Medium) AND I’ve trained with Carol Bowman (topic of your previous post). I am very much looking forward to your book!

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