Living Vicariously

The lake at Yellowstone

Our daughter, Megan, is traveling through Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and Yellowstone with two friends. She took this trip because back in January, during a Mercury retrograde, she was bumped from a flight on Frontier and was given a generous voucher that she had to use by a certain date. On this trip, she returned to Denver, where she’d been bumped during the last retro, and landed there again at the very beginning of the current Merc retro. That happens frequently.

The abundant beauty and vastness of the places she’s visiting are embodied in these photos. I’m envious! I’ve never been to any of these states! Thanks to technology – the same technology that enabled me to watch NASA’s live stream  of the lunar eclipse in Australia and South Africa – I’m able to travel with her vicariously.

Elk in the front yard!

Old Faithful


See those mountains? To a native Floridian like Megan, these peaks are wondrous!

Note to self: next trip? Go west.

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5 Responses to Living Vicariously

  1. Laurence Zankowski says:

    Megan was in my neck of the woods.( Aurora, CO. Anschutz Cancer Pavilion, ) Plus, going thru the southern part of Idaho up to Boise is a wonderful ride. Heck, just keep going thru eastern Oregon, the Columbia river, PNW…
    Just sad that there is so many fires up that way.

  2. Nancy says:

    Yes! Come West, my friend.

  3. DJan says:

    Such wonderful pictures and delightful travels for Megan. And for you, too, albeit vicariously. I’m right there along with you. I’ve been to Yellowstone many times but it’s been decades, so I was glad to go along again. There are upsides to Mercury retro, huh? 🙂

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