Mike Perry & Secrets of Spirit Communication

We recently sent our blogging friend, Mike Perry of the U.K., the e-galley of our book Secrets of Spirit Communication. Mike is mentioned in the book and over the years has contributed a great deal to our knowledge  on all facets of synchronicity. His blog on synchronicity is fascinating and filled with experiences.  As you’ll see from his email, reading the book seemed to have triggered some synchros for Mike.

The reference in his email to the white feather as evidence of spirit contact is something I first read about on Mike’s blog.

Hello Trish,

A quick email. I have been reading your book, up to page 66.

Recently I haven’t had any synchros and/or experiences for quite a while. I think your book and words have got me back on track!

We put out food for birds frequently and over the last few days we have had two pretty jays visiting us – always together.

While reading your book it came to me that two Jays is our daughter who died – her name was Janice Juliet! For a minute this quite stunned me.

About 20 minutes later, another almost silly synchro. Simon, from five doors along the road, came to say thank you for us looking after his cat and fish while the family had been away.

For some reason he told me that before coming out he fancied some ice cream with a banana.

The odd bit is that about 10 minutes earlier I had said to Karin that I fancied some ice cream! She went in the kitchen and came back with ice cream and banana. I haven’t had ice cream in an evening for years!

And then this morning, we walked to our local shops and, of course, there was a big fluffy white feather!

So all in all I think your book has got me back on track – so thanks!

Must rush but felt I wanted to tell you this.

We’d love to hear from any of you who have experienced something similar with the book.


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3 Responses to Mike Perry & Secrets of Spirit Communication

  1. Mike Perry says:

    Thanks Trish, have had a few more synchros since then!

  2. Carla says:

    I’ve heard of this happening to people who read certain types of books. It’s as if the stories make us more receptive to these kinds of experiences.

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