A ‘Magical Cap’’

The ‘Magical Cap’

Actually, I’m not sure how magical this cap is yet since I just bought it last week and have only worn it a couple times. But the way  I came upon it certainly had some elements of synchro-magic. We took a trip to visit daughter Megan in Orlando, a three-hour drive, and on the way I happened to think that I could use a new cap. The one that I’d been wearing had developed some serious sweat stains, mainly because I’ve been wearing it while doing yard work and playing disc golf, a sweaty activity in south Florida’s summer heat.

All that said, I made no effort whatsoever to look for a cap during our two days in Orlando. But on our second day, Megan suggested dinner at a restaurant where we’d never eaten. There was a long wait for a table so we went over to an indoor market adjacent to the restaurant. It was an old warehouse converted into shops, and included a bar where we found a table and ordered drinks. After a few minutes, Megan suggested Trish and I take a look around while we were waiting. So off we went, and Trish soon found a plant shop with an interesting selection. I moved on and in the next tiny stall was a guy who was a leather master…or whatever you call someone who makes things out of leather. There was a selection of wallets and there on a table were several caps.

I picked up the only green one and decided it was mine. He’d just gotten the green one in the day before, he said. Apparently, his contribution was the leather insignia with the name of his company—-Freehand Goods. As I paid the leather master, I told him my story about thinking I needed a new cap and just found one on my way to dinner. He responded with one word: “Synchronicity.”

Trish then walked up and I showed her the cap and told her what the guy had just said. He looked sort of puzzled and said, “Oh, you like the album?” I responded, “We write about synchronicity on our blog. So when you said synchronicity to me it was a synchronicity.”

Back at the table, Megan and her friend, Lauren, didn’t seem to notice that I was now wearing a cap, at least not until I mentioned the story of how I found it. That was when they both said that they thought something was different about me when I sat back down. So Megan went to take a look around for herself. When she came back a couple of minutes later, she said that the leather shop was closed. That was a mere five minutes after I’d bought the magical synchro cap.

From now on, that’s what I’ll call it.

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One Response to A ‘Magical Cap’’

  1. blah says:

    yeah got rid of my “ducktape” wallet last Fri-Sat,, not sure….

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