Skin Shifters & Tulpas

It’s rare that Rob and I have novels coming out at the same time. But here we are.

You can read the prologue for Tulpas  here.

And here’s the prologue for Skin Shifters.

Print editions for both novels are  available now from Amazon.

For Tulpas

For Skin Shifters

The ebooks can be pre-ordered and will be available on October 16 for Tulpas and on October 23 for Skin Shifters.

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5 Responses to Skin Shifters & Tulpas

  1. Dale Dassel says:

    My order is in! Both novels arriving Saturday! Looks like I have some reading to do! 🙂

  2. Sheila Joshi says:

    Congratulations to both of you!

    BTW, Trish, I was just telling my friend Barbara about your insurance tale and she was very impressed by all that you did (as am I!). And we’re hoping the thousands of people who lost their houses in the October 2017 Northern California fires know about public adjusters, because they are, needless to say, still having a rough time with their insurers.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Thanks, Sheila. I actually had never heard of them until a friend who works for an attorney told me what her boss had done. She gave me several names, all of whom were too busy to take our case, then we finally connected with the right guy. He was great, relentless.

  3. Gia says:

    I’m off to buy and pre-order. For some books, I like having the actual book and the e-book. Redundant, but tht’s how it is!

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