More Spirit Contact with Mike Perry

This synchro and spirit contact story comes from our blogging friend, Mike Perry, who also writes about synchronicity.

He and his wife, Karin, were visiting the wife, Sara, of Mike’s closest friend, Jim, who died some years ago. Mike has experienced a number of synchros connected to Jim, including one that began during Jim’s funeral service. A butterfly flew into the church and landed on his coffin. It stayed there until the coffin was carried out. Not surprisingly, he experienced several synchros while visiting Mary.

“A couple of days ago Sara received a small package, which she knew was a spiritual magazine to which Jim subscribed. She put the package to one side.

Later in the day it was pouring with rain so she decided to watch a Johnny Cash movie that was on one of the TV channels.

“There was a commercial break during the movie and she reached out to open the package I mentioned. The magazine opened on a page where the words of the song Far Side Banks of Jordan were printed – at the exact same moment there was Johnny Cash actually  singing the same song and she heard the words “… and my one regret is leavin’ you behind’.  She said she felt so emotional and overcome.

“Now a silly bit to our visit to see Sara! We sat in her living room and a fly started buzzing about. She wanted to swat it. I said, “Don’t do that,” and quoted her something a relative wrote in my autograph book when I was six or seven years old:

“Little fly upon the wall

Ain’t you got no home at all

Ain’t you got no mum or dad

Are, ain’t that sad.

“The fly disappeared and Sara laughed that she would never look at a fly in the same way again!

“We then had a sandwich and the fly started buzzing again and I said something like, “I’ll get rid of it”. This is a crazy bit. The fly settled on my thumb! I said to Sara that I would put the fly outside, so I walked out of the room and to her front door. The fly stayed exactly on the same place on my thumb, it didn’t move at all. I called to Sara to unlock the door, which she did. I said to the fly, “Off you go,” and away it went!

“These are the words of that Johnny Cash song:

“I believe my steps are growin’ wearier each day
Still I’ve got another journey on my mind
“Lures of this old world have ceased to make me wanna stay
And my one regret is leavin’ you behind

But if it proves to be his will that I am first to go
And somehow I’ve a feelin’ it will be
When it comes your time to travel likewise, don’t feel lost
For I will be the first one that you’ll see

And I’ll be waiting on the far side banks of Jordan
I’ll be sitting drawing pictures in the sand
And when I see you coming, I will rise up with the shout
And come running through the shallow waters, reaching for your hand.”


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6 Responses to More Spirit Contact with Mike Perry

  1. Laurence Zankowski says:

    And maybe, a premonition, look for Leonard Cohen’s vid leaving the table…
    Those who pass, those who rattle our cages, those who give meaning to our life.

    Is there some songs, quotes, readings who carry an unknown bonded message for those who need to hear?

    Resonance and harmonies, we endure and then join.

    Be well

  2. Mike Perry says:

    Hello Trish,
    Thanks for posting this. Sara isn’t (or rather wasn’t!) a real believer – but I could tell how much this had effected her, especially those words she heard: “… and my one regret is leavin’ you behind’.

  3. DJan says:

    This whole post along with the song hit me deeply, thinking of those who have left me and thinking of them in this way has given me some happy tears. Thank you.

  4. RobertOpems says:

    i loved this one.

  5. Nancy says:

    Love it. What beautiful lyrics.

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