Jupiter into Sagittarius

Jupiter, the big dude in the universe, is the giver of gifts in astrology. It symbolizes luck, synchronicity, expansion, excess, higher education, our philosophical and spiritual beliefs, foreign countries and people. On November 8, it enters Sagittarius, the sign it rules, and will be there for 13 months, until December 2, 2019.

During Jupiter’s journey through Scorpio, we saw the rise of the MeToo movement, which began shortly after the revelations about Harvey Weinstein. A host of other sex scandals unfolded involving prominent men. This is right in keeping with Scorpio – the sign that rules sexuality, secrets, what’s hidden. Jupiter took those secrets, exposed them, and the world watched them expand. The crown jewel for this transit and sex scandals was the hearing for now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, accused of sexually abusing Christine Blasey Ford.

In the world of politics, the excess part of the Jupiter equation surfaced. Take the lavish spending habits of people within trump’s administration. Scott Pruitt, EPA chief until he was fired, spent $4.6 million of taxpayer dollars on personal security items. Ben Carson spent $31,000 on a dining room set and another $165,000 on “lounge furniture.”
Other cabinet members are also under scrutiny for their spending.

As Jupiter heads into Sagittarius, what can we expect?

Jupiter represents government and government officials, the law, courts, lawyers, the outcome of lawsuits, judges. We may see more subpoenas and indictments in the Mueller investigation. More scandals of various kinds will emerge, but with the bigger picture provided. Our collective belief in the experiment called democracy will be tested.While I would like to see the worst of the Republican politicians ousted – Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham, Trey Gowdy – we probably won’t lose all the corrupt idiots in this election. Some aren’t up for re-election and those who are, like Cruz, had a lot of $ behind them.

On a personal level, you fire signs – Aries Leo, Sadge – are in for a treat. Your lives are going to expand and prosper. Your beliefs will change, become broader, more inclusive. You’ll take risks that will benefit you.

Air signs – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius – will also benefit. For Libra and Aquarius, Jupiter in Sagittarius creates a beautiful flow of energy. Look back to 2006 for clues about how this may unfold for you. For Gemini, Jupiter will be opposed to your sun sign, creating an excess of work, but one way or another you’ll find the balance you need.

Earth and water signs will experience various degrees of feeling overwhelmed – yet fortunate; insightful but OMG what’s happening. Take a look at your natal charts, free right here.

If you don’t know your time of birth, use noon so that you can at least see where Jupiter falls in relation to your sun sign.

The interesting aspect of Jupiter in any sign is that while the broad strokes may apply, the devil – as they say – lies in the details. Even so, one of the manifestations of this transit could be an easier and more fluid communication with spirit.

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6 Responses to Jupiter into Sagittarius

  1. MichaelVet says:

    I’m amazed. I do not think I know anybody who knows so much about this as you do. You need to make a career of it, seriously, great blog

  2. Darren B says:

    On the subject of Jupiter, I met Keir Dullea and Gary Lockwood, the actors who play the two astronauts on a mission to Jupiter in Stanley Kubrick’s ‘2001: A Space Odyssey ‘ in my hometown of Brisbane at a special 50th anniversary screening tonight.
    I bought a limited edition movie poster for $120 that they both signed for me and while that might sound a bit steep I didn’t mind because I put a $50 win bet on horse #23 (my birth-date) in the Melbourne Cup on Tuesday and it won and payed $540.
    I’m a Virgo/Libra and it certainly has been a surreal week so far for me.

  3. DJan says:

    I feel fortunate to be a senior Sadge awaiting the changes to come. I recently started getting acupuncture and feel it’s already benefited me. Love the fact that you keep me up to date with what’s happening astrologically. 🙂

  4. Shadow says:

    Well quite the lively time ahead *grin* wouldn’t want it any other way

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