Psychic Detective Debacle

Back in the mid-‘80s, we were gathering material for a magazine article on  psychic detectives when our friend Renie Wiley, a psychic detective herself, said we should talk to a man named George Hardy.

George was living in Davie, Florida, a suburb of Fort Lauderdale when we visited him one evening. He told us a disturbing story about his involvement with the Boston Strangler case. I’ve never forgotten what he said, and I have no reason to believe that he was making up the story.

When we asked why him how he’d gotten involved in working with the police, he said that the faces of killers haunted his thoughts when he heard about a crime. If he was watching television or listening to the radio and a story came  on about a missing person or an unsolved murder case, he would suddenly know things he shouldn’t know, and see how things happened.

In the aftermath of a south Florida murder case in 1971, Hardy showed up at a police station and said he had information about the murder of George and Ino Jo Beck aboard their 57-foot catamaran that was docked in Dania, Florida. Hardy described for Dania police the interior of the ship perfectly and gave a reasonable account of the crime. The murder weapon, he said, was a hammer, wrapped in a curtain ripped from a window on the boat and buried behind the killer’s house.

Then Hardy described the killer as a man living near Griffin Road, who drove a bright yellow car and also owned a blue van. He limped on his left leg. The surprised police chief said he knew the man Hardy was talking about. He worked for the local government. When the man found out the psychic had pinpointed him in the murder, the suspect committed suicide a few days later. The police never found the weapon, though, in spite of digging up the man’s backyard.

Earlier, Hardy had volunteered to help detectives investigating the Boston Strangler murders. In all, 11 women in the Boston area were murdered in the early 1960s. He played a small role in the investigation, but the case changed his life. Hardy told us that he provided accurate details of related crime scenes that only authorities knew about. When he had told them all that he had seen in his visions, the police turned on him. They were baffled by the case and decided to find out if  George Hardy was revealing visions or if he was the Boston Strangler and was telling them about his own deeds.

Hardy was interrogated at length, then given injections of “truth serum.” Sodium Pentothal is the best known drug used, but other psychoactive drugs have also been tested and Hardy thought he might’ve subjected to a drug cocktail of hypnotics and sedatives. In the aftermath, he suffered from a nervous disorder that continued for decades. When we talked him, in th mid-1980s, he was clearly upset about how the Boston police had treated him years earlier, and the physical after-effects.

George died Sept. 21, 2005 at the age of 78.



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6 Responses to Psychic Detective Debacle

  1. CJ says:

    The “vision’ awakened me from deep sleep and I watched the scene unfold in the dresser mirror across from our bed. Every detail. It was BEFORE we moved to FL, and once again I was fortunate to have a close friend who was in law enforcement and who put me in direct contact with the Atlanta police immediately. I described everything in detail, right down to the type of gun the guy was carrying, the clothes he was wearing, and the EXACT MOMENT he intended to carry out his plan to murder my High Priestess. Lady Sintana was taken to a safe place and the officers, hidden, waited. Just as seen, at 3:30 am he walked up the sidewalk under cover of darkness. The House of Ravenwood Church of Wicca was in a very old Victorian home surrounded by a jungle of trees and shrubbery. The officers let him get as far as walking up the steps to the porch with the gun in his hand before they closed in on him and caught him cold.
    I don’t know WHY I’ve had these types of experiences….there have been many….but am glad they no longer haunt me (no pun intended). When my precog visions HELPED, I was OK having them. But there were times when my visions came too late.
    The energy drained me.

  2. CJ says:

    For some reason I’ve been gifted, or cursed, with what seems to be an “antenna”, similar to a radio dial, that constantly moves through the ether. Sadly, that part of my clairvoyance has never been in my control, and it occasionally stops on “criminals” and or crimes…..usually ones I’ve never heard of. However, I’ve been extremely fortunate to live on an Island with a small beach police force, and for many years the Chief and one of the detectives were friends of mine and accepted my work. I would NEVER attempt to connect with a criminal…want no part of it…but haven’t had a choice. The last criminal and crime was Danny Rolling years ago who went on a killing spree and murdered several female University of FL students. With absolutely NO intent whatsoever, I “saw” his face; heard and saw his name spelled out in my mind; saw his ‘campsite’ in woods near a railroad track; listened to a song he apparently loved to play on a player he had. The song was SUGAR SHACK. To my horror, I actually witnessed him killing one of the girls. Notes in hand, I went to our police Chief. He trusted me, and called in the FBI. They had never heard the name Danny Rolling, and had an artist do a sketch of him as I had seem him. The end of the story is that everything I had seen was accurate, including his name and campsite and appearance. It turned out that in New Orleans he had a rap sheet….our FL-based FBI found him,prosecuted him, and the rest is history. But I was lucky, I would have been terrified to go to any law enforcement agency with the extensive details I had been psychically given because I knew I’d become a suspect. My police friends here knew better….that wasn’t the first case I’d been called by them to assist altho this one was involuntary and I wanted no part of it. Got it anyway. I literally HATED
    that part of being psychic, and BEGGED my Higher Self to please delete that ability from my ‘resume’. Danny Rolling was the LAST for me, and I continue to be relieved
    that I no longer have that antenna active. The ‘blessing’ side of that particular aspect was that I was able to help them locate missing persons. I feel so sorry for the folks like the gentleman in the post. We’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t. I’m just glad I’m not on that frequency anymore.

  3. Dale Dassel says:

    That’s one of those damned-if-you-do / damned-if-you-don’t situations. He was honestly trying to help them with the best intentions, and they turned against him. I’m surprised he didn’t pause to consider how it might look to report the crime scene in precise detail for a skeptical police agency. Of COURSE they would suspect him! Psychics occupy a niche portion of a society largely unappreciative of their natural gifts. It must be an uneasy alliance for police relying on an outside specialist with unconventional abilities to help solve a crime. Too bad more people aren’t open-minded about clairvoyant phenomena.

  4. lauren raine says:

    I am sorry to hear about the way this gifted man was treated. A sad story, and I’m sure had he been treated with the respect he deserved he could have done much more to help others.

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