The Animal Communicator

Our daughter, Megan, lost her cat, Piper, on October 30. We wrote about it here. Some extraordinary synchronicities that surrounded Piper’s death.  She was distraught. Piper was just 2, and a complete sweetheart of a cat. Megan felt guilty about Piper’s death, as if she could have done something to prevent it if she’d been home. She felt desperate to know about life after death. Was Piper’s soul alive elsewhere?

Several weeks ago, Megan discovered an animal communicator, Heather Bristol,  whose horse she used to ride way back before Heather became an animal communicator. Interesting synchro. She booked a 30-minutes session.

When Megan told me about her reading, I was struck by a number of details. First, Megan was pretty sure that Piper had died on her dresser, where she often sat to peer outside the bedroom window. Some things were knocked to the floor. But Megan found her body in the living room, her fur wet. One of her clients is a vet who “happened” to come by that night to pick up her dog shorty after Megan’s found Piper. The vet examined her, said there were no bite marks, nothing to indicate she’d been killed by a dog. The vet surmised Piper had physical defect – weak heart or something else. This didn’t explain, though, why Piper’s body was in the living room when Megan found her.

Heather told Megan that Piper had died of an aneurysm while on the dresser and had fallen to the floor. The several dogs in the house, including Megan’s dog, Nika, had brought her body out into the living room and tried to revive her, They nudged and licked her repeatedly. That accounted for her wet fur. Just imagine this: the body of a small cat, light gray, a little beauty with wise eyes, is moved from one room to another by a dog or dogs. The lick her to revive her, wetting her fur… Here’s Nika, Megan’s dog, investigating Piper’s grave.

According to Heather, Piper’s previous life had been long and happy, but her death had been planned – i.e. she’d been put down for some old age complication. Her soul had chosen to return for a short, happy life in which she died a natural death. This information gave me chills. It implies that animals have spiritual agendas and reincarnate with intention, just as we do.

Piper and Nika peering though my  office window

I’ve thought about this frequently over the years. I’ve had a lot of cats, each of them special in some way, each of their personalities unique. Yes, most cat owners – pet owners – feel that way about their animal buddies. But I’ve never had a reading with an animal communicator and as Megan related the information Heather had provided, it resonated deeply for me. Piper used to spend a lot of time at our house. She was an old soul, for sure. Pet owners recognize that difference.

Heather teaches animal communication and Megan will be signing up in the new year. I think she’s a natural. She’s a dog walker who also housesits dogs, is an artist whose specialty is pet portraits – most of them cats and dogs- and has an instinctive understanding of them.

Another interesting point. Three days after she was born, my astrological mentor, Renie Wiley, took a look at Megan’s chart. She tapped the horoscope, noting 23 Sagittarius at her Midheaven – that arrow at the top of the chart. It represents your career, your professional face.

Sagittarius rules animals, higher education and consciousness, foreign countries and people, your worldview, and publishing.

“Animals are going to be a huge part of her life. Could be vet school.” Renie’s finger moved to Megan’s Pisces rising. “Or animals as a form of art.” Then her finger moved to Megan’s Virgo sun and moon. “Regardless, she’s incredibly precise, a perfectionist.”

All true.
Heather also told Megan that Piper would be back – soon or not, as a cat or not, Megan would recognize her ,whatever her shape or species the next time around.

The MacGregor clan awaits you, Piper.

Megan’s website:

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6 Responses to The Animal Communicator

  1. What a traumatic experience Piper’s death must have been for Megan; it’s obvious that Heather’s help made a big difference, thank goodness. I tend to dream about my cats before they show up in my life; since they also visit from time to time in dreams after they die, I take it for granted that their existence continues just like mine, in those other dimensions.

  2. lauren raine says:

    Many of my very dearest friends have been cats, and long ago I decided, after hearing that “only people have souls”, that if there were no cats in heaven, I didn’t want to go! It makes sense to me that all beings are evolving, just as we are. Since I never actually search for a cat, they just seem to turn up one way or another, I’m often convinced my buddies are friends returning. I just lost Sweet Pea this year, after 15 years of her friendship…………If a cat turns up, for sure, she or he will find a home!

  3. DJan says:

    Those of us who love animals and see them as sentient beings are not surprised by this information. I hope I’ll find out when and how Piper returns to your family. I am feeling incredibly blessed by those in my sphere, and you and your family are there. Sending you happy thoughts and hope the holidays will be very special for all. 🙂

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