800 Statues & the Spear of Destiny

Here’s an interesting exchange (at least I thought so) related to history, synchronicity, the Spear of Destiny and.. Indiana Jones. It began with an e-mail from Peter Levenda, author of the Unholy Alliance, a book that deals with esoteric Hitlerism and Nazi occultism. If you’re not familiar with the story of the Spear of Destiny, the spear in question supposedly is the one that pierced the side of Jesus and it was sought by Hitler as a power artifact.

Here’s our slightly edited exchange:

P.L.: Rob, you might be interested to know that they have discovered a cemetery in Indonesia that is “populated” by German U-boat crews from WW II!  The area is called “800 statues” because it was a sacred site to the Hindu religion before the advent of Islam to the area.  Nazi U-boat crews made it as far as Malaysia and Singapore during the war, where they transported valuable raw materials back to Germany and shipped technological information (plus uranium) to the Japanese.

I smell another Indiana Jones book in here somewhere!

Rob: That sounds like a natural for Indy…especially for a latter day saga in which Indy discovers A.H. alive in Malaysia long after the war. Of course, the Fuehrer has an important artifact that he’s using for protection or invisibility. Something like that.

P.L.: As a synchronicity … I am due to give another interview for a cable channel this month, on the theme of Hitler’s sacred artifacts, i.e., the Spear of Destiny, etc.

Rob: As another synchronicity, I once proposed a book called Indiana Jones and the Spear of Destiny, but Lucas nixed the idea. Oddly, he thought it would create legal problems because of the book, Spear of Destiny. I suppose that would relate to the fact that mainstream historians dis the Spear of D as fiction. Also, Lucas always wanted me to focus on actual artifacts, not made up ones. (Years later, the Spear of Destiny was the subject of an Indiana Jones comic book.)

P.L. Okay … the Spear of Destiny is an actual artifact, not a made up one.  The Spear of Longinus (also known as the Holy Lance) was held in Vienna, and taken to Germany after the anschluss along with the crown jewels.  Thus, there would never have been a legal problem because of Trevor Ravenscroft’s poorly documented book (the historians dis Ravenscroft because of the bad scholarship … but the Spear is and was real, and Hitler and the Nazis did covet it.)

In this regard I can heartily recommend “Hitler’s Holy Relics: A True Story of Nazi Plunder and the Race to Recover the Crown Jewels of the Holy Roman Empire” by Sidney D. Kirkpatrick.  Published last year by Simon & Schuster, it is a well-documented, no-nonsense approach to this aspect of history.

In any event, Lucas’s objections are without merit at least as far as the legal aspects of the case as well as the fact that the Spear did and does exist. In fact, there are several Spears … each with claims to authenticity (as the spear that pierced the side of Jesus) … which would make a good plot twist for an Indy novel.

Rob: I’ll be interested in seeing your interview. I enjoyed reading
Spear of Destiny years ago, but subsequently read that Ravenscroft
made up parts of it, including the scenario about Hitler repeatedly
going to a museum in Austria and staring at the spear for hours.

P.L.: As for it being the spear that pierced the side of Jesus … well, that’s the whole story.  It is supposed to be.  Of course — as in the case with the Shroud of Turin — archaeologists and scientists disagree that the Spear of Longinus is the actual spear … but it has always been presented as such.

If you subtract all of Ravenscroft’s speculations and inventions and go back to the basics, there is a Spear of Longinus in Vienna;  Longinus is the name of the Roman soldier who pierced the side of Jesus with his spear;  the one in Vienna is supposed to be the self-same spear.  Whether it is or not in actuality … well … what about the Holy Grail?  If Lucas only wanted to use real artifacts then the Grail would be out since no one has seen one or even knows what it is supposed to look like.  At least in the case of the Spear, one (or, actually, several!) exist.

The photographs in Ravenscroft’s book of the Spear are genuine, of course. It’s the same Spear that you can see today in Vienna.  What he made up is almost everything concerning Hitler … however, as Kirkpatrick points out, the Nazis were obsessed with the Spear (whether that includes Hitler or not is debatable, but Hitler was obsessed with the rest of the Crown Jewels and there is a photo of him staring at them).


By then, it was after midnight and the exchange ended with me raving that Indy’s mentor, Abner Ravenwood, had a last name close to Ravenscroft, and that I had been staring blindly at my mousepad, which featured a large capitalized word in the center: RAVEN – part of the title of my novel Romancing the Raven, the cover art on the pad. It was time for bed.


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30 Responses to 800 Statues & the Spear of Destiny

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    This is off-subject of the post…more about spirit presence: Our son makes his bed before going to work, tight as a drum, like a soldier. Matt would jump up on the bed and splay his enormous body across it during the day….weighing close to two hundred pounds, we’re talking a big-sized “dent” in the bedspread when he decided to get up off of it. There was no dent whatsoever in the bedspread early this morning. None. And BTW, son had his bedspread washed and dried at the cleaners on Tuesday, during his sadness, as a partial means of cleaning out his canine companion’s “energies”, the hair, the doggie smell, etc, that made him more sad. Bedspread was back on bed, nice and clean, no dents, no hair, fresh smell…..until later this morning when I “heard”, very clearly, a familiar noise in there….Sunshine’s ears perked, and she whined and trotted to the bedroom door, stopped stock still, more whining. I went to investigate and I heard the very familiar low snuffling sound. (Remember the movie Turner and Hooch with Tom Hanks? Get a mental image of a Great Dane being Hooch, with that happy snuffling playful noise, and you have Matt.) There is a long, huge dent in the bedspread, and new dog hair. That’s very odd, that a spirit would be able to leave tangible hair!!! This is absolutely true. I guess Matt will stay around to protect and share his master’s life inasmuch as possible. I’m going to do my best to get some photographs. Son has high-tech camera equipment but when doing spirit photos doesn’t use any special lens or cheat in any manner, because we want the truth, not “fake” stuff. I have no doubt we’ll get at the very least some orbs and bars, and am hoping perhaps some ectoplasmic images. It’s such a comfort to know our loved ones are around, be they animal or person. If we get pics, I’ll share them on the blog. I think eventually Matt will be guided across the Rainbow Bridge to wait for his human, but meanwhile he’s hanging around, not yet ready to go.

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    How very cool is this….late yesterday afternoon I went to eBay to look at…guess what?…..CRYSTAL SKULLS! Now here you are, talking about them on the blog. Of course they exist! Not to be argumentative, but anyone who doubts their existence, (specifically, the ancient ones), has missed some essential historical reading in the esoteric fields of research. They do exist. Of course there are hundreds of thousands of all sizes and gem-stone materials now being marketed, but there are ancient ones, crystal, not for sale on ANY market, being displayed in famous museums as the mystical artifacts that they are. But how synchronistic, that I suddenly decided to come to the computer yesterday and check the little ones out on eBay, and then voila! this morning here you are, discussing them on the blog! I just love it when a plan comes together. Trish, thank you for the ‘hello’. Am still grieving. Lost Matt Monday. He couldn’t be saved. I haven’t told my son, and won’t. It would mean losing Matt twice….and once was tragic enough. Sunshine seems to be gradually returning to herself as those wounds heal slowly. BTW, early this morning I “heard” Matt in son’s bedroom. Definitely was him, so he’s around.

  3. “Also, Lucas always wanted me to focus on actual artifacts, not made up ones.” You mean, such as crystal skulls? 🙂

  4. whipwarrior says:

    Gypsy, Rob’s Indy novels ARE as good as the movies (or better!), trust me. I long ago lost count of how many times I’ve read them during the past 16 years. My copies are all worn soft around the edges, with flaking covers and finely-creased spines attesting to the mileage they have enjoyed in my hands (during high school, I was never without an Indy book stuffed into my backpack, eagerly waiting to be read at lunch hour, on the bus, or sometimes even during class!). Rob’s characterization, sense of adventure, humor, pacing, and suspense are spot-on with Spielberg’s cinematic style, and Indy’s words literally manifest Harrison’s voice in your mind as you read!

    Can you tell that I’m an Indiana Jones fanatic? 🙂

  5. Spear of Destiny! What a great title, sounds like an excellent story to me. I think a Raven should definitely be worked into the tale.

  6. gypsy says:

    OMGosh! what an INCREDIBLE story – aside from the book and long winter nights reading piled up in bed for this one rob, i’m popcorn and cold drink-ready for the indy movie already!

    the hitler afterlife controversy continues – just as interesting each time something new surfaces –

    lest i forget, do you happen to know any other details of the upcoming PL cable interview? date/channel etc –

    and trish, your last paragraph, the creme de la creme! and what’s up with ravens/crows lately? hmmmmm……….

    • R and T says:

      Rob wrote up this one, gypsy. So I’m not sure which paragraph you mean! I’m popcorn ready, too!

      • gypsy says:

        oh, gee, trish, i’m so accustomed to referring to you here – so sorry, ROB! 😉
        and it was this paragraph to which i was referring:
        “By then, it was after midnight and the exchange ended with me raving that Indy’s mentor, Abner Ravenwood, had a last name close to Ravenscroft, and that I had been staring blindly at my mousepad, which featured a large capitalized word in the center: RAVEN – part of the title of my novel Romancing the Raven, the cover art on the pad. It was time for bed.”

  7. mathaddict3322 says:

    In the last few weeks there have been several synchronicities with me, here on the blog, concerning “raven”. The synchronicity is essentially that several posts have included comments and stories with that word, and the Raven is my “familiar”.
    My original Church of Wicca in Atlanta was The House Of Ravenwood. A few mere days ago I emailed T & R some interesting sites on the web about the House, including the obit for my High Priestess there, Lady Sintana. So altho the spear et al is very interesting to me, the constant mention of “raven” continues to catch me.

  8. Darren B says:

    It’s funny that I Google-d “Ravenswood+spear” and found this;
    “Spring Assist – ‘Legal Auto Knife’ – Ravenwood Combat Spear”

      • Darren B says:

        Maybe Rob’s on the right track with this Indy novel,and here is another synchro,sort of.
        My Brother-in-law (who’s father was John,who I told you about with the wild parrot story) had a baby girl to his current wife about four,or five years ago,and named her
        Indiana (John used to call her Jonesy…and would have a little laugh as he said it…as a nod to the movie Indiana Jones) and a few years later he had a son and named him Phoenix.
        So maybe the idea should be pursued and resurrected on that sync alone ?

  9. When I first opened your page and saw the picture I thought it was a very fancy fountain pen for writing…and then find it’s a spear. This sounds to be the makings of an awesome book. Pretty cool synchros in there…love when it all comes together like that. I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of Synchronicity and the Other Side…got my shipped confirmation from Amazon this morning. Awesome that it got released early.

  10. Interesting. I was under the impression that the Spear (along with the jewels) was collected from Vienna by Hitler and Himmler in 1938 when the Germans went into Austria. They were then transferred to a church in Nuremburg and put on display. As to whether Hitler had first seen the Spear in 1913 may well be a myth, but whose to say for sure.

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