Coast to Coast & the Lotto

In the aftermath of our appearance (or we should say our voices) on Coast to Coast recently, we’ve gotten a number of e-mails from people who heard the show. The most interesting was from a man named Gerald, a long-distance truck driver, who listened to the show while on the road. The next day, he stopped at a truck stop in Jackson,  Georgia and that’s when something odd happened.
He was walking by the lottery machine and he says, “All of a sudden I could clearly hear both of your voices saying to be open to the world. I figured that was a hint. So I bought a $5 lottery ticket and won $500. It is the most I have ever won and I would be remorse if I didn’t share this story with you.”
Good going, Gerald. Nice synchronicity!
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5 Responses to Coast to Coast & the Lotto

  1. blah says:

    yup… 2/14/19xy…. then a bit later and a (ultimately high energy time) more… Awed would be from the objective but ridiculed from the close..

  2. Darren B says:

    That’s a good synch story and here is one that happened to me on Thursday that blew my mind.
    I went down to Byron Bay on Thursday to attend a “surf lounge” that night and decided to get down there early an do a brewery tour.
    On the tour was an English couple who were on a bicycling holiday and they had just come down the Queensland coast on their bikes and were stopping in Byron Bay for one day.
    I got to talking to them after the tour at the tasting table and I asked them where in England they were from.
    They told me a small village named Stanbury in the north of England.
    I told them that I had never heard of it before.
    They told me it was Bronte Country and I asked them what that meant.
    They said it was where the Bronte sisters grew up.
    I still didn’t have a clue as I have never read any of the Bronte sisters novels.
    Then the guy sitting next to them said “Stanbury”?
    And asked them where about in Stanbury that they lived.
    The couple told him and and the guy who asked looked stunned for a moment and then said, “we’re neighbours”.
    Apparently they never knew that until they met in a small town in Australia half a world away from where they live.
    Not only that, but the cyclists kept telling me about Surry Hills in Sydney and people they were going to visit and it turned out their neighbour’s daughter was living in Surry Hills, too.
    I asked if I could take a photo of them and they said yes, although I didn’t tell them that I was going to write a blog-post about it, so I hope they don’t mind if they do a net search and find I’ve used the photo on my blog.
    It’s not like I’m making any money off their story.
    It’s just I feel it’s too good of a story not to tell.
    You can see the photo of the neighbouring families at this link to my blog-post, although the bloke who asked the question must have went to the “bathroom”, as you say in America –

    I’ve read about stories like this before, but have never been a witness to one.
    It made my day to have a story like this one to tell for the rest of my days.
    There was also a guy on the tour from your state of Florida who was from Daytona.
    He was out here with his Aussie girlfriend.
    Small world, ain’t it?

  3. Adele says:

    Love this story!!

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