The Spirit Voice Box

Anyone ever tried one of these?

I bought this because during my reading with animal communicator Heather Bristol about the death of our dog, Noah, she mentioned that my dad might try to communicate this way. What was extraordinary was that she didn’t say “your dad,” but asked, “Who’s Buddy?”

She just got a name and didn’t know if it was the name of a pet or a person. Buddy is the nickname my dad chose for himself when he started having grandchildren. He didn’t want to be called Granddad. What are the odds that Heather would mention that name, one I’d never told her?

So I bought this gizmo from Amazon and have watched videos about how to use it, to get the best results, and have been experimenting with it. I bought a digital speaker at Office Deport that helps with the audio. I tune it to FM, at 100 milliseconds, the speed at which it flips through channels, and have it flip in reverse, as recommended in these videos. So far, I’ve heard only white noise, the background that is supposedly conducive to spirit contact.

This is something that Spiritualists at the turn of the century used, although not in this form. Back then, it was called EVP – electronic voice phenomena. The name is fancier now, but it’s the same idea. I can’t discount it as a possible conduit. After all, as we talked about in Secrets of Spirit Communication, spirits use technology. Nancy Atkinson, who lost her husband, Rich, in October 2017, received a text message from him after he died. The story is here.

Nancy’s story is also included in our book.

I’ll keep experimenting. In the meantime, if anyone who has used these gizmos has any suggestions, let me know!



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11 Responses to The Spirit Voice Box

  1. Caren says:

    Just wondering how this spirit box differs from your every day tape recorder?
    Would you get the same spirit sounds if you left your tape recorder on? Just inquiring.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Good question! I haven’t figured this out yet. It’s a radio, though, not a tape recorder, and has supposedly been modified in some way. I am playing around with different speeds that it has for going through FM and AM bands.

    • Victoria DeLaurentis says:

      Ghost box gets voices in real time. You ask questions and get a reply. A tape recorder catches the answer and saves it and you have to rewind and listen.

  2. Victoria DeLaurentis says:

    Be careful using that . I know it sounds like fun but just be aware that it can open doors to other spirits. I feel you might hear Noah as I see him still with you. Just be sure to protect yourself, do not provoke, and say thank you at the end of your session.

  3. lauren raine says:

    Oh, I’m so sorry to hear about Noah. I have come to love that dog in reading your posts. It must be so lonely without him.

    My friend Wendy is a true medium, who actually sees spirits. She also attends events with other medium friends, and they think it’s fun to have the latest “ghost hunter” equipment. She had a recorder device like you have on her living room table, and would turn it on when she came home. Numerous times I heard “Hi Wendy”, “Wendy”, “Hello”, etc. I also once strongly smelled pipe tobacco, and she said that was her father. Pretty amazing.

  4. Mike Perry says:

    So sorry to hear about the death of Noah, I’m sure he must be missed very much. The Spirit Voice Box sounds interesting – hope it proves successful. Best wishes.

  5. DJan says:

    I never heard of such a thing, and now I’m really interested. I’ll check it out, but I’m interested to hear if you have had any contact with others yourself.

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