The more I see and listen to Kamala Harris, the more I like her. So tonight I Googled her birth data. She was born on October 20, 1964, in Oakland, California at 9:28 P.M. She’s born on my dad’s birthday, and that already tells me a lot and makes me biased about her and her chart.

As a Libra sun, she’s fair-minded, balanced, concerned about justice and doing things the right way. Libra is represented by the scales of justice. Libra dislike dissension, crave harmony. However, Kamala is feisty.

We’ve seen that in Senate hearings on Brett Kavanaugh and most recently in hearings with William Barr. That’s her fire sign Aries moon. Aries is the warrior who fights for what he or she believes. And that moon forms a beneficial angle to her Mars in dramatic, fiery Leo. So these two fire planets feed each other.

Her rising is Gemini – her ability to think on her feet and communicate in a clear, smooth manner. You can tell she used to be a prosecutor. She has that quickness about her, that preparedness that tells you she has studied what’s going on and reached a conclusion.That tells you she knows the law. That she has a moral compass.

Jupiter (luck, expansion, the law, government, higher education, foreign countries, people, cultures) in her chart falls in Taurus, in the 11th house of wishes and dreams and networks of acquaintances. She’s stubborn. She knows what she believes. And with Jupiter in the 11th, she’s a natural for the public arena of politics.

Mercury, which rules her chart because it rules Gemini (her rising), lies in Scorpio, in the 5th house of creativity, kids, romance. Scorpio is the sign that seeks the absolute bottom line. It means she digs for information until she finds exactly what she’s looking for. She doesn’t back down. And that Mercury forms a beautiful angle to the cusp of her 10th house – profession, career, at 2 degrees Pisces – so that’s where her communication skills really shine.

Interestingly, on November 3, 2020, there are some beautiful angles in her chart from transiting planets. On that day, Jupiter is at 21 degrees in earth sign Capricorn and forms a beautiful angle to her clusters of planets in earth sign Virgo in her 4th house (home, family, your foundation). These planets are Venus (women), Pluto (power) and Uranus (sudden unexpected events, genius, independence, freedom).

Also, transiting Uranus in Taurus at 8 degrees forms the same angle to Uranus and Pluto and a wider angle to her Venus in Virgo. More surprising support.

Let me put it this way. Since I haven’t done the charts of the other zillion candidates, I can’t yet tell how hers measures up. That’s my next mission! But if she’s the dem candidate running against trump, she stands a very good chance. Here’s one reason why: both she and trump have that warrior Mars in Leo. She’ll go head to head with this guy in debates and won’t back down. He can be his usual uncouth bully and she’ll hurl it back at him in an even, measured, courteous and yet brutal way, just as she in these hearings.

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4 Responses to KAMALA HARRIS

  1. DJan says:

    I like Kamala Harris very much, too. Thanks for the chart reading, and I do wonder what the heck we will do with 23 candidates! It seems so over the top to me, but anybody who can beat the Mango Mussolini is good in my book. 🙂

  2. Adele says:

    I’m so glad that you did Kamala Harris’ chart. So far she is my favorite. So bright! And clear! Right now I don’t think the majority of people know who she is. She is a Bay area native and that tells me volumes more – all good, in my unasked for humble opinion.
    Once again we are on the same page

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