Eagles Down!


It’s not a good sign to see all those dead eagles in the pic above. Eagles, of course, are the symbol of America and they are dying indirectly from bullets that killed other wildlife.

It’s illegal to shoot bald eagles, but that hasn’t stopped a large scale die-off related to eagles ingesting lead pellets from other animals shot by hunters. You can read about it here and here.

“Raptors are quite willing to be scavengers, so they scavenge,” says Lynn Tompkins, director of the Blue Mountain Rehabilitation and Education Center in Oregon. “They eat things that have been shot. Lead ammunition is the biggest source.”

The Raptor Center in Minnesota receive 120-130 sick or wounded eagles a year and 90% of these eagles have elevated lead in their blood.

It’s not the kind of synchronicity that we like writing about. But, to us, the death of large numbers of this protected species that represents America speaks of both of the gun issue and the overall state of American democracy.

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5 Responses to Eagles Down!

  1. lauren raine says:

    I have seen that picture and article before, and it fills me with such sadness on so many levels. I might add that the most common cause of death of endangered golden eagles in the Southwest is that hunters shoot them for sport.

    And you are right: the death of these noble birds, to me, is a complete metaphor of the death of integrity and nobility in America. With all of its flaws, the U.S.A. was a noble experiment, a vision of democracy that inspired the world and changed other nations that suffered under the tyranny of corrupt monarchies – among them France. Now we have another corrupt monarchy, with a tyrant leading a violent and corrupt regime.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      I agree completely. I should post some comments from a trump lover that a guy on facebook made when I posted this piece.

      Interpreted by a strong personal bias that is more meaningful to the ‘witness’.. & author writer of the said article .. meaning you?..It does not ring of a Universal Truth to me.

      · Reply · 13h

      Douglas Benroth
      Douglas Benroth Gun control? & Because a Liberal is not the President a reflection of our Democracy.? ..wow..not even connected at all…I thought it was the poisoning in the article mentioned below.. Opinions are not Universal Apply to all synchro.s … well personally to you obviously. So yes according to the 1st Shaman Principle. The world is what you think it is. The sky is falling!.. a synchro to Chicken Little.. turns out: just rain.

      · Reply · 13h · Edited

      Douglas Benroth
      Douglas Benroth I guess you have been so obvious with your political sway. You tend to post things that support that. So to me it’s far less Universal than what Synchronicity means to me. The Universe does not give a squat to our local regional politics.. & people felt just as opposed to Obama. & Republicans were just as difficult with him as Democrats are acting now. Some think the country & Democracy is great. Not in a horrific downward spiral as many boo hoo Liberals are acting. Political faux melodrama. Maybe time to get
      the elderly out of both sides of the fixed dual political system. Far from a place of inner peace and Universal connectiveness.

      Gun control? & Because a Liberal is not the President a reflection of our Democracy.? ..wow..not even connected at all…I thought it was the poisoning in the article mentioned below.. Opinions are not Universal Apply to all synchro.s … well personally to you obviously. So yes according to the 1st Shaman Principle. The world is what you think it is. The sky is falling!.. a synchro to Chicken Little.. turns out: just rain.

      Trish MacGregor Spare me your trump love

      It’s called Patriotism. Superior to Socialism. Try it. Better than being a hater & fake news lover

      That’s just a selection

      • lauren raine says:

        This person is very disconnected, which characterizes so many of these people – no logic, and anything that does not agree with their create-your-own-reality notion of trumpistan is “fake news”. Yet sadly, it demonstrates just how effective the trump regime has been in deconstructing and dividing the country. I honestly think, unless a truly great leader arises soon, there is not much hope for any america you and I grew up with. There is too much normalization of what should never, ever have been acceptable. Such a man should never, ever have been qualified to run, period. We need, truly, a leader of the stature of an FDR or a Winston Churchill or a JFK if we arer going to recover at all………….I’m praying that such a one arises.

  2. DJan says:

    That is terrifying. I wish I could un-see that picture of all those dead eagles. And I agree that it is a synchronicity with the state of our country. 🙁

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