Dust Storm




It’s a dust storm moving into Phoenix and reminds me of scenes from every disaster movie I’ve ever watched. Is this normal? I found it bizarre.


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12 Responses to Dust Storm

  1. Nicole says:

    Wasn’t that crazy! I hear they have them off and on, but I don’t recall ever seeing any news footage of them before this one. That would have freaked me out seeing the wave of clouds approaching.

    Soooooo…..the intense pull I have had to visit the southwest is being met with one obstacle after another and each time I say, “oh that must just be a coincidence, I am going to wait to the last minute to cancel my trip” (which is Santa Fe by the way) some other news flash or anxiety producing article or photo happens upon me featuring the southwest. I have been weighing out going to our original destination Santa Fe for weeks now. Never heard of Bandelier Monument before googling over month ago. I loved it and thought we should go when visiting Santa Fe. Couldn’t wait to go and explore the cave dwellings, then it caught fire as did a large portion of central New Mexico. They haven’t had a fire as bad as this in 11 years. Figures! I do hear it is settling down, but the air and lands which we wanted to hike through are closed for now.

    So Arizona took center stage, oh yeah then came the dust storm, no problem, on July 6th we talked about seeing the grand canyon. July 8th an earthquake, a mild one hit a small part of the Grand Canyon, I don’t think it caused any real damage, but made me laugh anyway, now there is flash flood warnings near Sedona and “monsoon” season?

    Hmmm… No matter I have to go, I want to see the red rocks and I seriously need to get away. So I google canyons and sights to see and question the difficultly of some of these paths around the canyons. I don’t repel off of anything! A family party happens over this past weekend and I am told that 2 days ago, a distant cousin of mine, who loves hiking, happened to be in Arizona climbing and fell 45 ft. – 8 hours laying in a canyon with a friend waiting for a helicopter to lift him out. He amazingly is stable and still wants to hike and climb in the future once he can. He is lucky to be alive. Crazy!

    Hmmm…losing the desire to track through the canyons. Last night falling asleep my husband is watching a show “I Shouldn’t be Alive” or something like that about a family who get lost in the Arizona desert with their 8 year old and 5 year old little girls. I had to bury my head under the pillow to try and fall asleep as it was all bumming me out and he wouldn’t turn if off or watch it elsewhere. In desperate attempts to test fate I jokingly grabbed my cell phone and pulled up a dice rolling app which is on it. I shook it around and said ok that is it, if we shouldn’t go give me a match. Shake, shake, shake, and I held it out toward my husband for him to see the results as the two dice rolled around, both landing on 2s. Match.

    No more testing fate. Trip will be cancelled. I seriously just wanted to check out some cool art, some red rocks and have a yummy cold margarita, but I think it is safe to say, there is always next time. Hopefully. I still have a real need to go, which is weird as I never gave that part of our country much attention. Although it is worth it. And now I can’t stop thinking about the area. You may find me stacking my mash potatoes soon at the dinner table rambling to myself. 😉 What does this have to do with your post, seriously I don’t know. HA! Just thought it was an odd set of circumstances all around and how I do think there is a little weirdness going on at the moment in the Southwest. “Synchros’?

    • R and T says:

      Wow, this is some sequence of DON’T GO synchros. I love that red canyon area, the Hopi reservation, Santa Fe and all the other beauties of Arizona and New Mexico. But if I had this string of synchros, I think I would cancel, too!

  2. D Page says:

    I saw the live cam as it happened. I wondered if it was “normal”, too. I did a search. They have these things blow through once or twice a year. The big hazard is chain reaction car accidents and power outages. I wouldn’t want to be in one.

  3. Lauren Raine says:

    Amazing to see it from that perspective. They’re pretty scary……..people here are always warned to get off the road when one approaches. They’re famous for creating pileups on the freeway, because people always think they can drive in one.

  4. Never seen anything like that dust storm approaching a town before, definitely bizarre.

  5. gypsy says:

    well, it reminds me of many dust storms during my childhood in west texas – i remember seeing cloudwalls of red coming toward our house and our mother hurrying to put towels at the base of all the doors and windows – and afterward, everything in the house being covered in red dirt no matter what we had done – i’m wondering what the depth of the aftermath was [in inches/feet] – an eerie sight no matter when – day or night – also wonder when the last such storm hit phoenix – amazing video!

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