The Happy Kitchen

Mercury retrograde certainly makes itself known. Here’s the background for this synchro: the frother for our Nespresso machine stopped working. So I ordered a handheld frother from Amazon that came from The Happy Kitchen.

It arrived within several days and coincided with a proposal I was writing called Cosmic Bliss: The Astrology of Happiness. My agent had informed me that books on happiness were selling and could I adapt astrology to that concept?

Well, sure. Astrology addresses many area of our lives and our capacity for happiness and joy is certainly one of them. So while I’m researching and writing this proposal, our new handheld frother arrives! Yay! Let’s make a couple of cappuccinos and see how this new frother works.

But it didn’t work. Rob and I inserted a bunch of different AA batteries, bought new batteries, but the frother didn’t work. A card inserted with the frother asked that we write directly to the company with any concerns. So on Sunday night, I wrote to


I ordered a handheld milk frother, inserted the batteries, and it doesn’t work. What now?

Thank you,
Trish MacGregor

The next morning, a Monday, I received this email:

Dear Trish,

Thank you so much for writing to us and letting us know about this issue. I’m so sorry that this has happened. We are a small family-owned business and we’d like to make this right.

I’m thinking you must have received a defective one because this is very unusual. We do have a LIFETIME warranty on ALL of our products so if you can provide me with your order number, I can get a new one sent out to you.

We always strive to give each of our customers “Kitchen Happiness” and I’m hoping I can make your experience with us a much better one.

All the best,
Kitchen Happiness Director

Kitchen Happiness?? Really? Now I was especially intrigued by the synchronicity. I’d gotten some feedback from my agent about the proposal on astrology and happiness, and was eager to get home and go to work on it.

As soon as I was home, I sent Whitney the order number and wrote:

Wow, Whitney, thanks so much! These two emails of yours actually became a synchronicity. I’ll write this up on our blog and hope it gives your company the attention it deserves!

Here’s the synchronicity: I’m a writer and have been writing a proposal called Cosmic Bliss: The Astrology of Happiness.

Love it when this happens. I’ll let you know when the post goes up. I also repost to Facebook and Instagram.

Thanks again!


Her response was:

Dear Trish,

Oh my! That’s so kind of you. It’s truly our pleasure to be of service and we’re always happy to help. Thank you for understanding. We look forward to your blog and wish you the best, and we can’t wait for you to receive the product! If there is anything else we can help you with, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

All the best,
Kitchen Happiness Director

What I find so interesting about this synchro is that it seems to confirm this idea of happiness as a theme for selling products – and a proposal. I mean, c’mon, how cool must it be to work at a place that calls itself Happiness Kitchen?

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2 Responses to The Happy Kitchen

  1. DJan says:

    That’s a fun synchro! The only question I have is: did the new frother work as expected? 🙂

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