A weird little synchro – that may not be so little


Sometimes, synchros are small and seemingly insignificant, and if you notice them at all, they leave you scratching your head. Huh? What does that mean? I had one of those today.

I was on the way back from a visit to the hair stylist I’ve known for many years. My friend Arlene called and asked if I was free for lunch and a visit to Bealls, a department store with great discounts on women’s clothing. I told her I was in the car, on my way home from the hair salon. We chatted briefly about getting together at some point this week.

About 30 seconds after we disconnected, I was looking to see what the next street sign was and spotted a Bealls on the right side of the road. I’d never noticed it before and my first thought was, Hey, synchro. My second thought was: what the hell does THIS mean? It seemed so random, so small, that I didn’t mention it to Rob until later that day.

When I got home, I Googled Bealls to see if there was anything in its history that might hold a clue to what the synchro meant. Now I realize this sounds like a foolish waste of time for such a small synchro, but honestly, I was curious. I’ve been curious about smaller synchros in the past and have unearthed some interesting connections to events that later transpired.

So, Bealls has been around since 1915, when it was founded in Bradenton, Florida, on the west coast. There was 500 locations around the country. The history of the store and its founder was interesting , but nothing leaped out at me.

Over dinner, I told Rob about it and asked him the same question I’d asked myself: what’s it mean? But at this point, I was thinking, Does it mean anything? Have I encountered a coincidence that really IS random?

He thought about it in that way he has, like he’s distracted, then said, “Maybe it’s really simple. What does Bealls rhyme with? Deals!”

Now that one felt right. Tonight, he received an email from his agent about a summary he’d sent her about his new novel, OOBE. She said she’d loved to see it. Here was his summary:

When the president is informed that a secret government program to fight terrorism involves a team of out-of-body travelers, he learns they possess not only the ability to spy, but to manipulate matter- even to kill – and decides to use the team to destroy his political opponents, Now it’s up to a recently fired parapsychology professor and a documentary film producers with psychic talents to save the life of a candidate in the upcoming presidential race.

And we received confirmation that on the weekend of August 30-31, Bill Holman, caretaker of the Mitchell-Hedges  crystal skull will be spending the evening with us and a group of interested friends. And yes, the crystal skull will be our special guest. A “deal” of a different sort, as in BIG DEAL.

Read about the history of this skull. It recently was featured on Unknown Expedition, the same show Rob was filmed for several weeks ago. I’m  psyched. Years ago, we meditated with with the crystal skull known as Max. I’m eager to know what this skull has to say.

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