Recently, Rob posted the above image on Instagram. He noted that Egyptians loved and honored their cats. When their cats died, they shaved their eyebrows in mourning.

Several days later, our blogging friend in Nepal, Isabella Dove, sent me a photo of a cat that her daughter, Naa’ila, had decorated in 2009.


The likeness is striking. It’s one of those odd synchronicities, I think, that defy the odds.

Naa’ila passed away in 2014, a tragedy that no parent should have to experience. Our kids are supposed to outlive us. But Isabella has not only endured, the tragedy has deepened her conviction that our souls not only survive death, but the spirits of loved ones communicate with us using whatever tools are available to them – even cats. Felines played a significant role in their relationship and during the memorial services for Naa’ila. And before she died, Naa’ila said she wanted to be reincarnated as a cat.

Isabella is completing a memoir, The Mango Girl. I can’t wait to read the book!

You can read about the book  here.   Isabella’s Instagram is the_zen_yogi_coach

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  1. Trish says:

    from Ray Getzinger on facebook:

    The one on the left looks like an ancient Egyptian cat. My son had two Abyssinian cats. They carried themselves like royalty. Unfortunately the vet bills were astronomical.

  2. Vivian Ortiz says:

    Do y’all remember my cat Maimai who was an egyptian mau? Same with her.

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