A Hometown Synchro

Tracy Wilhelm of British Columbia is our first winner of  our Golden Scarab Synchro award. She wins The Synchronicity Journal and the trade paperback edition of The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity. She replied within an hour of the contest opening and offered the following story. We liked it!


“I was on a working vacation in San Diego this past February, and brought The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity with me to read while I was there. On the Saturday before we were to fly home, I had just finished the first chapter, and had gotten to the part where it says to ask a question and by the end of the book, you would have your answer.

“Well, I asked my question but I put it out to the Universe that I wanted my answer by the end of my trip. I was contemplating moving back to the small town where I grew up, but still wasn’t sold on the idea. My question was whether I should indeed move there or not.

“The following day, we were headed up the Pacific Coast Hwy to get to LA to catch our flight. We stopped at a McDonalds along the way, and while we were there, I noticed a woman who I had seen at the San Diego Zoo two days prior. We traveled on to LA, and the next day went to the airport to catch our flight. Again, I noticed this same woman at the airport, and she was even on our flight.

“We had a stop-over once back in Canada and had to claim our luggage and then head to our next gate. This woman was standing near us and mentioned that she had seen us the previous day at the McDonalds. We got talking about where we were each headed, and she said she was from a town very close to where I grew up. I told her that I had grown up in this particular small town, and she responded that she was born there. I asked her what her last name was, and it turned out that she is the cousin of one of my closest friends from that small town.

“It wasn’t until I was home unpacking and retelling the story to my kids, that it clicked. I stopped in my tracks and went  ‘Aahhh, now I get it! That was my answer! I’m moving back.” What are the odds of seeing the same woman three times in three different locations, in California… in a matter of three days. (And 3 is my number). Love love love it!”


Tracy followed up the story with this comment: “Oh and as a side note… I am now back living in that small town. I’ve been here just over a month now. =)”

Great story. Winner #1.

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5 Responses to A Hometown Synchro

  1. Great story and a great illustration of synchro at work.

  2. Awesome story! I haven’t tried asking a question and expecting a response by the end of the book or a trip. Maybe I should try that. Does it really work? At least most of the time???

  3. Nancy says:

    Ummm, that would be synchro, not snychro!

  4. Nancy says:

    Great story and great snychro. Congrats to Tracy!

  5. Natalie says:

    yes indeed! The Universe knows best. Congratulations Tracy!

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