An Art Garfunkel Synchro


Our dog park is an interesting place. I’ve written about it before in terms of some of the synchronicities we’ve experienced there or that other people have told us about.  People are from all walks of life, particularly during the equestrian season when the competitors arrive from Europe and South America to compete for the big stakes. Regardless of who you are or where you’re from, if you’re at the dog park, it’s because you have a dog, love dogs, and know this is the best park in the area for pooches. Five acres to run around in.

On November 5, 2019, our friend Arlene, who owns a Wheaton – Riley – and a collie, Izzy – had some sad news. Riley, 14, has a grapefruit-sized, malignant tumor in her stomach. Arlene isn’t going to put the dog through surgery and isn’t going to have her put down as long as she isn’t in pain and continues to eat etc. We both agreed that Riley will let her know when it’s time. Because it’s so depressing to talk our beloved pets nearing the end of their lives, we changed the subject.

Arlene, who hails from Manhattan, mentioned that a friend of hers was tutored in trigonometry by Art Gunkuckle when she was in high school. She apparently had a terrible trig teacher, so she and friend hired Art. Arlene’s friend ended up getting a 96 on her test, so it looks like Art knew his math! Arlene  used to work as a legal aid in an entertainment law firm and has some fascinating stories about various celebrities she met during her tenure there.

“How old was Art at the time?” I asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Google,” I said.

And she did. It turns out that Art Garfunkel was born in 1941 and today, November 5, is his 78th birthday.

“Synchro,” I exclaimed.

“Figures,” she murmured.

Later, I wondered about this synchro. On the day she learns that Riley has this malignant tumor, we got into this discussion about Garfunkel and discover it’s his birthday. Is there a deeper message about the state of Art Garfunkel’s health? His mortality? It’s certainly possible that the synchro is just a simple thing, that’s what I hope.  We’ll see…

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