Shocking synchros from Wales

This winning entry  comes from Jane Clifford of Wales and is quite shocking. It involves  a murder in the village, missing jewels, and an assortment of omens. It sounds like the making of a mystery novel!


“Not long ago, I ran over a squirrel, which upset me and is a bad omen. But I took comfort in the fact that it died instantly, not a long malingering death. A few days later, a woman was murdered in our village. It happened very close by and I actually felt it as it happened. I comforted myself that she died instantly. 

“Now this week I heard about jewels valued at half a million pounds that disappeared from a friend’s safe. A few hours later, I begin to read a short story. Astonishingly, it involved missing jewels valued at the exact same sum of money — half a million pounds!

“I was telling a friend about these two dramatic incidents in my life and I wondered if there would be a third incident. Ten minutes later, a blackbird hit my car,went straight up in the air and dropped like a stone! Yet another warning of challenges to come!”


These are not cheery, light-heated tales. Jane had already told us about the murder, that she had felt a crushing blow to her head and later confirmed that she felt it at the time of  the murder. She later told a detective about it and soon started feeling pain in her head again. She thought it was a result of the re-telling. But she found out soon after that her mother had fallen and struck her head.

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16 Responses to Shocking synchros from Wales


    I am well aware that thoughts create events,I am also aware that murderers and victims have a karmic connection. For me the instant,though distressing death of the squirrel preceeded a premonition that something deeply shpcking was coming that would affect the whole community,the murder followed days later & as I felt the blows and realised what was happening it seems i was alerted to assist the victim with psychic healing and help her exit her body very fast.

    Since I felt the blows to the skull physically & felt the murder as it happened in real time I knew details of the murder that could not have been known by any ordinary means. The spookiest thing is all the serious head injuries that have since followed,first my Mothers,then a close family friend, then another friend too. Its not as though I have also been hearing of many other types of injury too (other than Megans recent sprained ankle,its just one head injury after another lately.

    Even shocking premonitions can be useful if one sends healing and light to a future situation, it can assist a better outcome,or the best possible outcome & lately I am having direct evidence of this. As a planetary empath when a great number of souls exit very fast,(as in disaster or earthquake)one of my roles on the inner planes is to assist those souls in passing,leaving behind shock and confusion. I must have signed up for this role before I came here!
    Thank you all for your interest and comments & Thank you Trish and Rob for a wonderful book! I hope it will be well received,it will certainly be a great encouragement and help for those people uncertain of psychic experiences. This blog has been wonderful in strengthening connections between all those of us whose psychic ability and experiences are just dismissed as weird by many,at least it unites us in comfort and certainty & validates our experiences.

  2. I suppose a significant number of readers of this blog felt somebody else’s death like it was theirs, e.g. thinking about being hit by a car, the same day you are about to hear it about a person you know.

  3. "whoot" NOT says:

    ta you R+T listener’s,,, one little boy coming home from “camp” makes big news.. wonderin if it might of given anyone an “idea”. I’m told they “think not”,, me,,, I thinks that’s exactly what they do… yeah fell like a “stone”. Simon once had blood shot I’s for a month (actually they where solid red for the whole month do to a choke hold),,,, was told I must of done something to deserve,,, yeah,,, think not!!!!

  4. Nancy says:

    Wow, this is rather amazing! Too many to discount. I think she is definitely psychic. Kind of scary that she can actually feel the blows, however.

    • R and T says:

      We’ve known a couple of empaths who worked with police. One woman, looking for Adam Walsh, knew he had been decapitated because she felt it happening.

  5. Not a happy story by any means but life isn’t always kind. I just wonder though, if we think of something as a bad omen is it necessarily so – or are we helping to create whatever follows? Sometimes we have perhaps to be careful of what we think and believe. A worthy winning entry!

    • R and T says:

      If we create our realities from our beliefs and thoughts, then you’re undoubtedly right. But sometimes omens/synchros seem to be from the future to the present self. I’m not sure what that does to the dynamic!

  6. This was a freaky synchro story…I can see why you chose it. It’s a winner. I had a weird synchro yesterday after posting a tribute to my late BIL Tom. I had just finished posting it, and I clicked over to mousemedicine blog to thank her again for a quilt she had made in Tom’s memory. When I went to post the comment to mousemedicine… the commenter before me was named Tom. It read Tom said: and then his comment of which I’ll probably go back to today and see if I can find a message there. How’s chances of that? I felt as though our Tom was listening to the tribute to him, and I got a good sense he liked it when I saw that the commenter before me was named Tom. Weird huh?

  7. gypsy says:

    great intriguing story and very chilling just to read – such stories from others always take me back to my own such experiences and leave a part of me wondering of the “what’s next” too – loved this one!

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