Heart breaker…

Philip Merry, a Brit with a cheery name who lives in Singapore, is someone we’ve known by way of  the internet for years, ever since he reached out to us after reading The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity. At the time, Philip was working on his Ph.d in psychology and writing his thesis on synchronicity. For years, he has led self-help seminars and workshops throughout Malaysia and Southeast Asia.

He has teamed with the HeartMath Institute, where researchers have provided breakthrough research linking the physical heart to the spiritual (energetic) heart. To that end, Philip recently was the keynote speaker at the group’s annual conference, this year held in Cancun. That’s a synchronicity of sorts for us since we are writing a book now called Heart I.Q.—Get Out of Your Head and Let Your Heart Lead you to Happiness.

Maybe it’s a double synchronicity since Philip has published a book on happiness. In fact, it was that book that triggered a prophetic moment for him. He was signing the book for a friend at an event and wrote in part, “Keep on breaking hearts.” At the time, he didn’t know why he wrote that. Here’s what he said about it.

“When I sign my book – I am guided what to write – the words just come to me – it feels like I am downloading the words from an energy field.

“In Mexico last month when signing my book for a friend I was guided to write “keep on breaking hearts” (see actual words above) – a strange message, but I just went with the flow. A week later my friend was at a talk where the theme was ‘breaking hearts’ – the speaker said, Hearts must be broken in order to release their light.” My friend wrote to me saying, ‘the idea made a lot of sense to me, and in that very moment I understood why you were inspired to write that for me.’ When you are guided to say or do something – pay attention – your words may be a prophecy of things to come.”

Good advice, Philip.


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