An “Amazing” Synchronicity

Amazing: overwhelming surprise or astonishment.

For a year or two and probably longer, I’ve heard people over-using and improperly using that word. It has become a handle for almost any situation imaginable. In fact, it’s so overused that if you hear someone around you say, “That’s amazing,” and then hear the very same phrase on the radio or television within seconds, it’s probably not amazing or a synchronicity. It’s just more over-use of the word.

While I was aware that “amazing” was trending in our vocabulary, blowing away “awesome,” it really came into focus for me one day when I was playing disc (Frisbee) golf. I happened to find someone’s lost disc, turned it over and saw a phone number and the name Alex. I texted Alex, telling him what I found and where I found it. A minute later, I got a text back. “You’re amazing.” Gee, I don’t even know this guy and he says I’m amazing. So you would think that he really liked that disc and was very excited about getting it back. Not at all. He went on to say, keep it. He didn’t care about the disc. So maybe he thought I was amazing for taking the effort d to text him. Whatever. (Oops! Another over-used term.)

So after that, I started noticing that the word, more and more frequently, referred to things that definitely were not amazing. “This salad is amazing;” “Your eyebrows look amazing;” “The lighting for this selfie is amazing.”

Those examples were  how an article about “amazing” began in the New York Daily News recently. It was headlined: Why celebrities and millennials should stop using the word ‘amazing.’ The writer not only noted that ‘amazing’ at some point replaced awesome, but that long ago in the Sixties before the Millennials were born all things were ‘groovy.’  The article reports that there are curmudgeons among us who write on a blog dedicated solely to complaining about the overuse of the word. The writer ends her piece by saying we should go back to the basics. “The truth is, we should reserve amazing for truly astounding moments. That would be groovy, awesome and amazing.”

Back in the day, as in 1779, when amazing was really amazing, John Newton wrote Amazing Grace, a hymn that was truly amazing.

Finally, no sooner had I stopped reading the Daily News article when I got a group e-mail from an on-line friend, Brandon, who was promoting an acquaintance’s website. He wrote: “Her Native American artistry grows more amazing to me each time I go to her website to see what her latest creations. Take a look for yourself. I did. It’s actually a blog.

Her work does seem quite unique, and yes, maybe  amazing. Brandon, by the way, is about fifty years older than the millennials, and probably has a good idea when something is really amazing.

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8 Responses to An “Amazing” Synchronicity

  1. Darren B says:

    Awesome post guys.
    I’m sick of people using the word amazing in the Year of the Rat, probably because I’m nostalgic for those old awesome words of the past:-)
    You know what I’m saying (even thought I’m writing it) Adele?-)

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Yeah, I still like awesome!

      • Darren B says:

        I don’t actually, but the word went well with my awesome gag:-)
        Which makes me wonder about the word gag being used as a substitute for joke –
        1. Something forced into or put over the mouth to prevent speaking or crying out.
        2. An obstacle to or a censoring of free speech.
        3. A device placed in the mouth to keep it open, as in dentistry.
        a. A practical joke: played a gag on his roommates.
        b. A comic effect or remark. See Synonyms at joke.
        5. The act or an instance of gagging or choking.
        v. gagged, gag·ging, gags
        1. To prevent from speaking or crying out by using a gag.
        2. To stop or restrain from exercising free speech: censorship laws aimed at gagging the press.
        3. To cause to choke, retch, or undergo a regurgitative spasm.
        4. To keep (the mouth) open by using a dental gag.
        5. To block off or obstruct (a pipe or valve, for example).
        1. To experience a regurgitative spasm in the throat, as from revulsion to a food or smell or in reflexive response to an introduced object.
        2. To make jokes or quips: Your friends are always gagging around.

  2. Adele says:

    While we are discussing words that we are tired of seeing being used over and over, I will take this spot to dump my big peeve of the phrase,”Ya know what I’m saying?” And these people actually wait for me to indicate that I KNOW what they are saying. Yes, I do know what you are saying . Stop asking.

  3. Tony says:

    This article is actually amazing! I have been annoyed by the overuse of that word for years now lol

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