Another Tom Cutbush Spirit Contact


On March 13, we posted a spirit contact story that happened to Janice Cutbush. It was the first of four that Janice sent. This is the second one. A word first about this picture. Janice’s daughter, Andrea, took the photo on an overcast day when she was out for her morning run. That trail of light wasn’t visible to the naked eye. It looks like a trail of luminous orbs.


From Janice:

These communications both involve my daughter and photography. She had been living and working in Boston for the last two years after college when her dad died. She was devastated when it happened, as we all were. She is a jogger and loves to run long distance.

After her dad died, she told me running kept her sane. She was fond of running early in the morning before work to start her day and often ran along the Charles River when the sunlight was new. One morning she decided to bring her camera. It was fall and the trees were turning color so she thought she might get some good foliage pictures.

She took a picture looking over a walking bridge near the Charles. No one was on the bridge and there were no shadows yet. When she got the picture developed, it showed a figure of light in the shape of a runner on the bridge. It was so clearly a spirit, we couldn’t believe our eyes. We all kept turning the picture this way and that to see if the image would change. It was definitely the spirit of her dad keeping her company on her morning run, which is when he also liked to run.

Two years after Tom died, in September of 1998, Andrea got married to her college sweetheart, Craig. Tom loved Craig even though they didn’t know each other very long. It was rare for her dad to like one of her boyfriends. They rarely met his high standards for his only daughter. So the fact that he approved of Craig was significant. The wedding was huge, 200 plus people. It was a wild joyful celebration, maybe more than it would have been if her dad hadn’t died. Everyone was wanting a festive occasion to erase the sadness we’d all been through the last two years. She didn’t hire a professional videographer but there were a number of people who took videos so the fun was well documented.

Several weeks later, I threw a casual post-wedding party for close friends to preview the videos people had taken. We were sitting in my living room with the movie in the TV, everyone laughing as they remembered the fun, when the camera panned to the Congo line, which was long and hilarious. All of a sudden there was a vivid unmistakable image of Andrea’s dad in the Congo line, with his mustache, curly hair and big grin, and he was having the time of his life. The room went silent. Then someone said, “Hey hit rewind-that guy looks just like Tom!”

I rewound the tape and paused it. Sure enough it was Tom’s likeness dancing and having a blast at his daughter’s wedding. My friends were a little spooked and kept asking me to rewind back to that place. I called my daughter and asked her if she’d seen this video. She had not. It was one taken by a friend of her in-laws. When I described the man in the video, she said that it was a doctor friend of her in-laws who happened to have a mustache.

Several days after the party, I watched the video again and again, but never saw  Tom except for that first viewing. It was a guest I didn’t know who slightly resembled Tom. If I had been alone when watching the video I would have thought the image of Tom dancing was a figment of my imagination, but there were 12 other people in the room who saw him in the film too. He wanted me to know he attended his daughter’s wedding and had a great time just as he would have had in life.

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2 Responses to Another Tom Cutbush Spirit Contact

  1. Cheryl says:

    I don’t have much experience with video but seeing the images of people I know superimposed on old photographs or even painted portraits is how I get past life information, often. It’s transient. When I go back through the images online (usually that’s where I find them) they are gone or changed back into an original I no longer recognize. It happens.

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